Studies on Effects of NaCl Stress on Tomato Seedling's Growth and Organic Osmatic Content and the Pertinence NaCl处理对番茄幼苗生长和有机渗透物含量的影响及其相关性研究
The cell membrane osmatic fragility by Slow Method decreased and its fragility curve shifted to the left. 缓冻法红细胞盐水脆性曲线左移,脆性减低。
Methods: Urine THP and urine osmatic pressure was tested in 17 SLE patients and 20 normal controls. 方法:对17例无肾病表现的系统性红斑狼疮患者及20例正常人进行尿THP及尿渗透压检测。
In plant growth and development, they will be frequently affected by a variety of osmatic stresses, such as drought, salinification or freezing injury, etc. Plants have established molecular mechanisms to adapt these stresses in the long term of evolvement. 植物在生长发育过程中,会频繁地受到干旱,盐渍和冻害等渗透胁迫条件的影响。植物在长期的进化过程中,建立了适应这些胁迫条件的分子调控机制。