Electronmicroscopic examination found that the mitochondria of the type II epithelial cells swelled, the mitochondrial cristae fragmented or disappeared, the number of osmiophilic multilamellar bodies decreased and their structures were destroyed. 电镜下观察脑缺血组肺泡II型上皮细胞线粒体肿胀,线粒体嵴断裂、消失,板层体数量相对减少,结构破坏。
The results suggest that osmiophilic cells in the rat thymus are macrophages and possess the heterogeneity in the structure, histochemistry and function. 以上结果提示:大鼠胸腺嗜锇性细胞可能是巨噬细胞,它们在结构、组织化学特征以及功能上存在着异质性。
In the cell of albino plantlets there were no normal chloroplasts but there were plastids which only contained some vesicles and osmiophilic granules. 白化细胞中没有发育正常的叶绿体,其质体的结构异常简单,主要含有一些小泡和嗜锇小球。白化苗质体的形态多呈不规则状,并且常常空化。
Observation on the structure and nature of osmiophilic cells in different regions of rat thymus 大鼠胸腺不同区域嗜锇性细胞的结构和性质的观察
The CMZ was also populated with a large number of argyrophil cells which were consistent with the osmiophilic cells. 嗜银性细胞也密布于皮髓质交界区,与此处的嗜锇性细胞相一致。
㏄ rotectiong type II alveolar cell and promoting it to release PS, and steadying Osmiophilic multilamellar body. 红芪能保护Ⅱ型肺泡上皮细胞,促使其恢复产生和释放PS功能,稳定板层小体的结构。
The organelles around the vacuole-like structure were abundant and regularly arranged, the osmiophilic drop was constrained to the area between the nucleus and the vacuole-like structure, while the mitochondria and plastids were mainly distributed near the blepharoplast. 液泡状结构周围细胞器丰富,排列较有规律,偏细胞核一侧嗜锇小滴丰富,与生毛体相邻一侧线粒体和质体相对较多。
At yellow green fruit stage the thylakoid system was disintegrated and replaced by few non chlorophyllous single thylakoids, with accumulation of large osmiophilic plastoglobules. 在黄绿色果实时期叶绿体类囊体系统解体,代之以少数非叶绿素的单个类囊体和积累大的嗜锇的质体小球。
It was observed that a few vesicles containing lamellar osmiophilic material situated closely along the plasmalemma, seemed to break open. Based above facts we think of that the shore-term prediction difficulty may be able to break open by monitoring the OLR message of satellite remote sensing. 观察到少数泡囊内含片层状结构的嗜饿物质紧贴于细胞质膜,似乎将其冲破。由此认为监视卫星遥感的辐射信息,可能有助于突破强震将在何处发生的短临预测难题。
Typical "zebra" like osmiophilic bodies are the characteristic ultrastrucural change of glomerulus visceral epithelial cells, especially in early stages of disease. 早期病例只在部分肾小球脏层上皮细胞胞质内观察到嗜锇“斑马小体”。
Whereas in transgenic rice, only the number of osmiophilic granules increased and most grana-thylakoid lamellae arranged in order. 而转基因植株叶片中的叶绿体结构变化不大,嗜锇体相对有所增加,但体积较小,大部分基粒类囊体片层结构仍然排列整齐,少数类囊体垛叠化丧失。
According to the lipophilic property of lacquer, these osmiophilic substances may be lacquer or its precursors. 根据生漆的亲脂性质分析,这些嗜锇物质很可能就是生漆的前体物质。
There were many rER, vacuoles contained osmiophilic bodies and annular lipid bodies lay near the plastids. 这些质体内膜结构不发达,周围分布大量内质网槽库、含油滴的液泡和环状油滴。
Results In group ⅱ intravenous oleic acid produced damage to mitochondria, rough endoplasmic reticulum and osmiophilic multi-lamellar body in type ⅱ alveolar epithelial cells. 结果电镜显示Ⅱ组肺泡Ⅱ型上皮细胞线粒体、粗面内质网及嗜锇性板层小体损伤;
Both blepharoplast and osmiophilic globule were characteristic structures to the spermatid of Ginkgo biloba. The osmiophilic bodies were first observed in type ⅱ alveolar cells. 生毛体与嗜锇颗粒是银杏(Ginkgobiloba)精子细胞中最具有标志性的结构。
Effects of Radix Hedysari on Changes of Pulmonary Surfactant and Osmiophilic Multilamellar Body in Rats with Respiratory Distress Syndrome 红芪对油酸型肺损伤大鼠肺泡表面活性物质含量及板层小体的影响
The subendothelial osmiophilic granules of small vessels were found in skin biopsy specimen under electron microscopy. 皮肤活检电子显微镜显示小血管内皮下出现嗜锇酸颗粒。
In the ripe leaf, plentiful of starch granules and osmiophilic globules were accumulated in the chloroplast. 当叶片适熟时,叶绿体内已经积累了大量的淀粉粒和嗜锇颗粒。
In the Vein cells the chloroplast disintegrated completely and a abundance of Osmiophilic globule emerged. 叶脉细胞叶绿体完全瓦解,出现许多嗜锇颗粒。
And then, with the starch granules enlargement and increasing, the chloroplasts began to degradation, so osmiophilic globule increased in the chloroplasts. 随后,叶绿体内积累的淀粉粒迅速增多、增大,叶绿体逐渐开始降解,其内含的嗜锇颗粒明显增加。
At the stage of abortion peak, differences of cytochrome oxidase activities and its isozyme in CMS anther were significant. The accumulation of osmiophilic globules in the mitochondrial cristae and membrane in CMS anther was obviously less than that in maintainer anther. 在花药败育高峰期,不育系花药细胞色素氧化酶活性和同工酶活性要显著低于保持系花药,不育系花药线粒体膜和嵴上嗜锇颗粒的数量要明显少于保持系花药。
In the early stage of the archegonia development of osmunda japonica, the osmiophilic materials occur in the vacuoles of the jacket cells of the archegonium, and these materials increase with the development of the egg. 在紫萁颈卵器发育早期即可见其壁细胞的液泡内有嗜锇性颗粒,这些嗜锇颗粒随着卵的发育逐渐增多。
The Osmiophilic Granules content of tobacco leaf and the surface density of leaf assumed the extremely remarkable correlational dependence, and assumed the extremely remarkable inverse correlation relations with stem ratio, and the relations between the indicators of the thickness, filling value etc. were not remarkable. 烟叶嗜锇颗粒含量与叶面密度呈极显著正相关关系,与含梗率呈极显著负相关关系,与厚度、填充值等指标之间的关系不显著。
The relations between the osmiophilic granules content of tobacco leaf and neutral aroma substances were close, and had the greatest impact on the content of neophytadiene and carotenoids degrading products. 烟叶嗜锇颗粒含量与中性致香物质各组分关系密切,对烟叶新植二烯、类胡萝卜素类降解产物含量影响最大。
The chloroplast of top second leaf shrank and swollen severely, a large number of them broke down. We can found lot of osmiophilic particles and accumulation of phenolics. 倒二叶细胞叶绿体缩皱,类囊体边缘模糊严重肿胀,出现大量解体现象,形成大量嗜锇颗粒,另可观察到深色的酚类物质积累。