Masseter muscle changes before and after angle-grinding ostectomy and chin augmentation: Evaluation by ultrasound and X-ray 超声及下颌骨X射线评估下颌角磨削去骨及隆颏前后的咬肌变化
Objective To investigate the reattachment process of masseter muscle following different methods of mandibular angle ostectomy with comparing to the normal insertion and discuss the influence to the mastication function. 目的:观察不同术式下颌角截骨术后山羊咬肌再附着过程,并与正常咬肌附着进行比较,探讨下颌角截骨术后咬肌-下颌骨再愈合过程对口腔咀嚼功能恢复的影响。
Conclusions Subarea ostectomy of mandible is more effective in re-shaping the whole lower face. 结论对下颌骨进行分区截骨可以更全面的矫正面下部过宽,重塑面下部的轮廓以美化面型。
The changes of the creatine kinase activity after one stage ostectomy of the mandibular angle 下颌角弧形截骨术前后肌酸激酶活性的变化
Subarea ostectomy of mandible for lower face re-shaping Methods The orthopedics of deformity of lower mandible was performed with osteotomy. 下颌骨分区截骨术重塑面下部轮廓方法利用截骨术,削磨术对下颌骨角、体、颏区畸形进行矫治。
Conclusions The changes of masseter fibres show reconstruction of masseter muscle after mandibular angle ostectomy. 结论兔下颌角截骨术后肌小节长度、肌纤维转型、咬肌细胞面积发生相应变化,表明下颌骨架缩短后咬肌发生适应性的改建。
Research development of bone regeneration after ostectomy of the lateral cortex around the mandibular angle 下颌骨外板截骨术后骨生长状况的研究进展
Change of masseter muscle after the angle-grinding ostectomy for the enlarged mandibular angle 下颌角磨削去骨术前后咬肌变化
Methods The operations of angle splitting ostectomy have been performed on 13 patients ( 11 female, 2 male) who had large, squarish, or broad face with eversion mandibular angle. 方法对下面部宽大,下颌骨体肥厚,下颌角外翻明显的四方脸者(13例,其中男性2例,女性11例)进行了下颌骨体部的劈裂截骨术和部分咬肌去除术。
All these findings imply that patient could return to the normal mastication activity gradually 3 months after mandibular angle ostectomy. 间接说明下颌角截骨术后3月,患者可逐渐恢复正常的咀嚼活动。
Adaptive change of masseter muscle after the ostectomy of mandibular angle in rabbits 兔下颌角截骨后咬肌适应性变化
Methods Ostectomy of the prominent malar and zygoma were performed through coronal scalp incision on 16 cases and augmentation of the temporal ( 2 cases) and frontal temporal face lift ( 2 cases) at the same time. 方法采用经头皮冠状切口颧骨、颧弓截骨术(16例),并同时进行颞部填充(2例),额、颞部除皱术(2例)。