ADJ-GRADED 豪华的;浮华的;铺张的 If you describe something as ostentatious, you disapprove of it because it is expensive and is intended to impress people.
...his house, which, however elaborate, is less ostentatious than the preserves of other Dallas tycoons. 他的那所尽管装饰精致、但并不及达拉斯其他大亨的私宅那样奢华的房子 ostentatious wedding reception. 豪华铺张的婚宴
ADJ-GRADED (人)炫耀的,夸示的,卖弄的 If you describe someone as ostentatious, you disapprove of them because they want to impress people with their wealth or importance.
Obviously he had plenty of money and was generous in its use without being ostentatious... 他显然很有钱,但出手大方却不炫富。
She's got a lovely way with language without ever sounding ostentatious. 她的语言优美,丝毫无装腔作势之感。
ADJ-GRADED (动作或行为)招摇的,显眼的,引人注目的 You can describe an action or behaviour as ostentatious when it is done in an exaggerated way to attract people's attention.
His wife was fairly quiet but she is not an ostentatious person anyway. 他的妻子几乎没有怎么开口,不过她本来就不是好出风头的人。
High-end goods are often ostentatiously labeled. 高端产品的商标通常炫目华丽。
The fact that the nouveau riche ostentatiously flaunt their wealth and show a lack of sensitivity to the struggles of everyday folks does not endear them to others, nor, that in general, the rich of China seem unwilling to help others by supporting charities. 事实上,很多暴发户招摇炫富,对仍为生计奔走的大众没有同情心,与他们保持距离,而总体上中国的有钱人也不愿通过支持慈善帮助他人。
Mr Cameron, a reliable intellectual weather-vane, ostentatiously cycles to work and has adopted a tree as the symbol of the new Tory party. 卡梅伦是可靠的思想风向标,他夸张地骑着自行车去上班,并认养了一棵树作为新保守党的象征。
Pepsi Refresh is probably the most prominent example so far of "cause marketing"& trying to win customers by ostentatiously doing good. 百事换新活动也许是目前为止最著名的“公益营销”例子&旨在通过行善而争取顾客。
So life, to me is simple, in order to archive what one has always dreamed about, never give up hope of that dream, even that dream is ostentatiously delicious and heartwarming. 所以生活,对我来说很简单,为了档案的事一直梦想,永不放弃希望的那个梦想,那个梦想是招摇美味暖暖的。
Local governments provide travel expenses for those who cannot cover their own. one who spends lavishly and ostentatiously on entertainment. 出不起路费,当地政府可以发给路费。浪费卖弄地娱乐消费的人。
I started ostentatiously clearing the table. 我开始惹人注目地清理桌子。
He took his heavy gold watch from his wrist and laid it ostentatiously on the table in front of him. 他把重重的金表从他的腕上取下来,炫耀地放在他面前的桌上。
They're ostentatiously shabby, his collars never clean and his tie's never tied properly. 他的衣服故意弄得十分寒酸,领子从来都不平整,领带也从来不系好。
The waiting-woman who secreted the penknife of a guest in her master's house afterwards discovers it under the table-cloth, and ostentatiously produces it. 女仆在主人家里偷了宾客的袖珍折刀,之后又在台布下面把它找回,并装模作样地拿出来。
If males can display ostentatiously at that age then they really have something going for them. 如果男人在一把年纪的时能够招摇作秀,那么他们必有某种资本支持他们他们这样做。
In public, Mr Garc í a and Chile's president, Michelle Bachelet, have been ostentatiously friendly. 在公开场合之下,加西亚先生与智利的总统米切尔?巴切莱特表现得非常友好。
Before the economy opened up, a chic suit meant one with the label of a state-owned factory sewn ostentatiously on the sleeve. 在改革开放以前,一套时髦的套装意味着在国有工厂的一个标签,招摇地缝在套袖上。
They were never ostentatiously dressed. 他们从来不穿过于招摇的服装。
One of the most ostentatiously adorned creatures on Earth, the peacock uses its brilliant plumage to entice females. 一只装饰华丽的动物在地球上,雄性孔雀用它的闪耀的羽毛去奉承和诱惑雌性孔雀。
One who spends lavishly and ostentatiously on entertainment. a garish barrage of show-biz glitz ( Peter G.Davis) 浪费卖弄地娱乐消费的人。娱乐业花花绿绿的潮流(彼得G.戴维斯)
Let the deportment myriad form, grinds late the turning over to under foot, to smooth this mortal world desolate disconsolate and missing, is willing ostentatiously on the wane in this blurred. 让仪态万千的身影,碾碎在迟归者的脚下,为抚平尘世落寞的惆怅和思念,甘愿凋零在这浮华迷离之中。
He hurriedly checks his hair in his computer screen, before taking a sporting trophy from a drawer to place ostentatiously on his desk. 他匆忙地透过电脑屏幕检查自己的头发,然后从抽屉里拿出一个运动员奖牌放在桌子上最显眼的地方。
This attitude that old buildings have value too manifests itself in projects from the ostentatiously commercial to the modestly residential. 老建筑也有其价值的观点,既体现在奢侈的商业项目中,也体现在朴实的住房项目中。
Preparations ostentatiously made for blocking the straits. 为封锁海峡而做的引人注目的准备工作。
What led us to show, ostentatiously, that sex is something we hide, to say it is something we silence? 是什么让我们去展示、去夸耀,我们曾藏匿了的“性”,去坦言我们曾保持过的对性的沉默?
Sunday, Tongren's streets were full of police cars, while militarized police troop trucks parked ostentatiously on one of the small town's main thoroughfares. 周日,tongren的街道上密布警车,全副武装的警用卡车在这个小城的主要街道上巡逻。
Wearing big black-framed glasses and dressed in ostentatiously unfashionable clothes, she is an ugly girl. 带着大黑边眼镜,穿着很不合时宜的衣服的一个丑女形象。
But as events worsen in 2009, and a potential political backlash builds, both men may need to be cautious about revelling too ostentatiously in the financial misery of others. 但随着事态在2009年恶化,以及可能出现政治反弹,保尔森和格林斯潘两人或许都需要保持谨慎,不要在他人陷于金融困境之时进行过于招摇的狂欢。
It is a paradox of open societies: since order cannot be taken for granted, the public demands that government ostentatiously impose it. 这是开放社会的一个悖论:既然秩序得不到自动恢复和保持,公众就会要求政府大张旗鼓地维持秩序。