This is the website of Thee-Skeletons Project, which shows the bones of a human, gorilla, baboon and gather information about them from osteology database. 这是电子骨骼数据库的网站。该网站展出的骨骼数据库有人类的,黑猩猩的,狒狒的骨骼以及关于它们的综合信息。
It has22 majors leading to a Bachelor's degree, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Osteology, Rehabilitation and Nursing. 它拥有22个专业,如中医,中药,针灸,骨学,康复和护理导致学士学位。
Studies on the osteology of the bagrid catfishes from the Jialing river: comparison of the skulls 嘉陵江鲿科鱼类骨学研究(Ⅲ)&头骨的比较
It is necessary to summarize the application of anatomy and osteology biomechanics, operation methods, the indications and the complications of operation. 有必要就有关应用解剖、骨科生物力学、手术方法、适应症和手术并发症作一概述。
Background and purpose: Tibial fracture is a common disease of osteology, about 10% of fracture of long bone. 胫骨骨折是骨科常见创伤,占全身骨折的13.7%。