Wear particles in the osteolytic tissue can be obtained with strong base digestion and differential centrifugation, which is up to the demand of experimental study. 通过强碱消化及密度梯度离心提取、纯化假体周围骨溶解组织中磨损颗粒的方法可提供符合试验需要的金属颗粒。
Results The main CT signs were expansive, osteolytic destruction and soft tissue mass. 结果CT主要表现为膨胀性病变、溶骨性骨质破坏和软组织肿块。
Clinical observation about percutaneous vertebroplasty for osteolytic metastatic carcinoma of cervical vertebra 经皮椎体成形术治疗颈椎溶骨性骨转移癌的临床观察
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on severe osteolytic cervical spondylitis associating anterior chest wall disease, to the extent that surgical reconstruction is needed. 据我们所知,这是第一例严格报道与前胸壁有关的颈椎溶骨性疾病,需要手术重建。
Objective To observe the distribution of particles in osteolytic tissue and obtain the wear particles for the experimental study from the in vivo osteolytic tissue. 目的观察、分析假体周围骨溶解组织中磨损颗粒的分布情况,为体外及体内磨损试验提供颗粒。
It was concluded that to treat the osteolytic defect of bone with NNB was a method of choice. 认为,NNB是修复良性溶骨性骨缺损理想的充填材料。
This is a preliminary study on methods and clinical application of percutaneous pediculoplasty in the treatment of vertebral pedicular osteolytic metastasis of lung cancer. 本文初步研究了经皮椎弓根成形术治疗肺癌椎弓根溶骨性转移的方法及临床应用价值。
Therefore, BIO treatment reduces the MSC-stimulated proliferation of MM cells and may enable MSCs to repair existing osteolytic lesions. 因此,BIO处理降低了MSC刺激的MM细胞增殖,从而使得MSC能够修复溶骨性病变。
Objective To study CT value of diagnosis and identified diagnosis in osteolytic metastases of the vertebral column through describing their CT manifestation. 目的分析脊柱溶骨性转移瘤的CT表现,探讨CT对该病的诊断及鉴别诊断价值。
Results of the 12 benign cases, 10 cases showed cystic destruction paralleled to the long axis of rib, 4 cases complicated sandy calcification. 6 malignant tumors showed clear boundary osteolytic destruction and there is soft tissue protruding to thoracic cavity on CT. 结果12例良性病变平片显示与肋骨长轴一致的囊性破坏者10例,4例伴有砂粒状钙化,6例恶性肿瘤均显示边界清楚的溶骨性破坏,CT显示软组织肿块突人胸腔。
Objective To study diffusion characteristic, diffusion-weighted imaging ( DWI) technique and its value in lumbar osteolytic metastases. 目的探讨腰椎溶骨型转移瘤的扩散特性、扩散加权成像(DWI)检查技术及其应用价值。
Osteolytic destruction and more dominant than osteogenesis, rase sequestrum; 3.multiple foot bone and joint involved. 2溶骨性骨破坏,死骨少见,足骨间关节及多骨受累,溶骨破坏较骨修复占优势。
Objective To study the therapeutic effectiveness of clodronate disodium combined with chemotherapy for osteolytic lesion induced by multiple myeloma. 目的探讨氯屈膦酸二钠(clodronatedisodium,商品名固令)联合化疗治疗多发性骨髓瘤(multiplemyeloma,MM)的溶骨性病变的疗效。
Objective: To investigate the X-ray characteristics of giant cell tumor of osteolytic type in long bone. 目的:探讨长骨溶骨型骨巨细胞瘤的X线特征。
Diffusion-weighted MR imaging study on lumbar osteolytic metastasis 腰椎溶骨型转移瘤MR扩散加权成像研究
X& ray film revealed osteolytic destruction and collapse of vertebral body with paravertebral soft tissue shadow. X线片可见椎体溶解破坏和压缩,伴有椎旁软组织影。
Conclusion The osteolytic lesion and a large soft tissue mass are common radiological appearances of bone PNETs and calcification and regional lymphadenopathy are rarely seen. 结论溶骨性骨破坏和巨大软组织肿块是骨原始神经外胚叶肿瘤的常见影像学表现,病灶内钙化和局部淋巴结肿大少见。
Conclusions Osseous metastasis in lung cancer is characterized by multiple osteolytic damage. 结论肺癌骨转移以多发性、溶骨性骨破坏为特征。
Clinical Research on Zoledronic Acid for Injection in Treatment of the Pain of Osteolytic Osseous Metastasis Caused by Malignancy 注射用唑来膦酸治疗恶性肿瘤引起的溶骨性骨转移疼痛临床研究报告
Osteolytic lesion and arthritis are liable to develop at flat bones and joints of the leg. 同时都有骨外脓肿形成,好发生于扁骨和下肢关节;
The chief X-ray features were osteolytic and expansive bony destruction. 主要X线表现为溶骨性、膨胀性骨破坏;
Metastatic bone pain was partly relieved in 2 patients with osteolytic metastases treated with bisphosphonates. 2例溶骨型改变用博宁治疗均部分缓解;
Results Three cases of rare vascular tumor of bone ( multiple hemangioendothelioma in 1 case, malignant hemangiopericytoma in 2 cases) had the characteristic imaging appearance as osteolytic destruction. 结果本组3例罕见骨脉管性肿瘤,1例为多发性血管内皮细胞瘤,2例为恶性血管外皮细胞瘤,X线表现均以溶骨性破坏为特征。
Results Bone metastases mainly presented as osteolytic lesions. 结果骨转移瘤病例以多发,溶骨为主。
Results The S 1~ 2 tuberculosis was most common. The types of sacrum destruction were osteolytic and bone destruction along the sacral foramen. 结果骶骨结核以S1~2多见,骨质破坏有不规则溶骨和沿骶孔破坏2种。
Some biology characteristic of malignant tumor, such as osteolytic and invasive growth and high recurrence, are found in clinical situation of benign tumor odontogenic ameloblastoma and keratocyst, which attracts widespread attention of oral and maxillofacial surgery and pathology researchers. 牙源性造釉细胞瘤、角化囊肿虽属良性肿瘤,但其临床上呈溶骨性、侵袭性生长且有着相当高复发率等恶性肿瘤的生物学特性,引起了口腔外科及病理学界的广泛关注。
Results In group A, osteolytic necrosis and vasculitis appeared and the reconstruction existed. 结果A组:骨组织发生溶骨性骨坏死和血管炎,但增生修复反应活跃。
Therefore, it is obviously important to explore new methods to prevent and treat osteolytic bone metastasis. 因此,深入研究骨转移的机制,探讨新的预防和治疗骨转移的方法显得尤为重要。