Osteon maturity was strongly associated with the proportion of osteonal osteocytes expressing sclerostin and sclerostin expression was the chief determinant of ALP status. 骨单位成熟度与骨单位骨细胞表达硬化蛋白的比例密切相关而且硬化蛋白表达是ALP状态的主要决定因素。
In addition, microcrack could occur in the result of a rather large plastic area which crosses interstitial bone and connected adjacent osteon under high load condition. 高载荷条件下,穿过骨间质,联接相邻骨单位的较大塑性区也是裂纹萌生的原因。
The third introduces the mechanical models of Haversian osteon. 第三部分介绍了哈弗氏骨的力学模型。
Objective To explore the applicability of the histological features of plexiform bone and osteon banding to species identification. 目的探讨丛状骨和骨单位带的种属特征及其法医学应用价值。
Considered the diffusion of liquid in the cylinder wall, an equivalent constitutive equation of osteon in the longitudinal direction was obtained. 并考虑了液体在筒壁内的扩散,从而得到了骨单元沿轴向的等效本构方程。
Conclusion ( 1) Plexiform bone and osteon band could be the exclusive index in human bone; 结论(1)丛状骨、骨单位带在种属鉴定中可作为人骨的排除指标;
The constitutive equation showed: ① the osteon with liquid had the viscoelastic properties; 该本构方程表明:含液体骨单元具有粘弹性力学性质;
Conclusion The plexiform bone and osteon banding are the two important characteristics for certifying nonhuman bone in species identification. 结论观察丛状骨和骨单位带是根据人骨鉴别种属的重要排除指标。
Results: Like group E, group A excelled at the performance of new bone formation rate, bone porosity, osteon radius, and diameter of Haversian canal as compared to group B, C, D. 结果:A组在新骨形成率、骨孔隙率、骨单位半径和哈佛氏管直径等方面均优于B、C、D组,与E组相仿。
Based on the physiological structure of osteon, the model of osteon with liquid was provided, in which the osteon was described as the thick-walled cylinder and the Haversian canal was full of tissue fluid. 基于骨单元的生理结构特性,将骨单元作为厚壁圆筒结构,其内部哈弗氏管内充满组织液。
Mechanical model of osteon with liquid 含液体骨单元的力学模型
X-ray shows that the fractured prt recovered completely, new osteon created, the cavity defect decreased conspicuously, the fixation is rigid. 线显示原病理性骨折处完全愈合,新骨增生,皮质骨形成,原术后之骨腔明显缩小,内固定之钛板牢固。
Incomplete repairment of osteon may be related to slowed replacement of massive human allograft. 坏死骨单位的排除不完全,是异体骨皮质新骨替代慢的原因。
The hammer composed of simple compact bone, without recognizable osteon ( Haversian system) and interstitial lamella; 锤骨为简单的密质骨,不能分辨骨单位及间骨板;