Strengthen Teaching of Operating Skills in Department of Osteonosus and Traumatism of TCM by Imitating Hospital 运用模拟医院加强中医骨伤科操作技能教学
Which induce systematic osteonosus for increase of bone fragility. 骨量减少和骨显微结构受损既而引起骨脆性增加的系统性骨科疾病。
To observe the clinical effects of "Gushang Fluid" in the treatment of osteonosus, 138 cases of prolapse of intervertebral disc, hyperosteogeny, aseptic necrosis of femur head or fractured bone were treated with this fluid for 2~ 6 courses. 为观察速效骨伤愈(简称骨王)对骨病的疗效,将138例椎间盘突出症、骨质增生、股骨头无菌性坏死和骨折后不愈合患者给予口服骨王2~6个疗程的治疗。
Synovial incarceration syndrome of small articulation at lumbar vertebrae is a common osteonosus. 腰椎小关节滑膜嵌顿症是骨科常见病之一。目前,其病名纷繁混乱,有腰椎小关节综合征;
Background: Bone defect caused by severe trauma, infection, tumors, osteonosus and so on is very common clinically, treated mainly with autogenous bone transplantation, allogeneic or xenogenic bone grafts, biomaterial replacement and other approaches. 研究背景及意义:严重创伤、感染、肿瘤、骨病等原因所致的骨缺损在临床治疗中非常常见,治疗方法主要有自体骨移植、异体或异种骨移植、生物材料填充等。