Based on the clinical observations, biochemical analyses of serum and pathomorphological examination and biomechanical parameter determination of bone, it suggested that the disease is a mixed metabolic osteopathia comprising hyperostosis and osteoporosis, with two kinds of exostosis& eccentric type and cuffing type. 通过对钼中毒绵羊的临床观察、血清生化检验、骨骼病理形态学检查以及骨生物力学参数测定,证实成年绵羊钼中毒骨病的病性是兼有骨质增生和骨质疏松的混合型代谢性骨病。
Studies on Experimental Molybdenosis in Sheep ⅳ The Nature and Pathogenesis of the Osteopathia 绵羊实验性钼中毒研究&Ⅳ.骨病性质及发生机理