Objective to provide a new supplied site of osteoperiosteal flap for repairing the middle and distal femur. 目的为修复股骨中、下段提供一新的骨膜(骨)供区。
Applied anatomy for transposition of pedicled external femoral condyle osteoperiosteal flap 带血管蒂股骨外侧髁骨膜(骨)瓣移位术的应用解剖
Methods 36 cases of old femoral neck fracture in young adults were treated by multiple screws and iliac osteoperiosteal flap pedicled with deep iliac circumflex blood vessel. 方法采用经前路切开复位带旋髂深血管蒂髂骨瓣转移及多螺钉内固定治疗青壮年陈旧性股骨颈骨折36例。
Applied anatomy of transposition of femoral osteoperiosteal flap pedicled with perforating artery of deep femoral vessels 股深血管及穿血管股骨膜(骨)瓣转位的应用解剖
According to the results the femoral osteoperiosteal flap pedicled with the descend-ing genicular vessels was designed for repairing the defect of the middle distal femur. 根据解剖结果,设计了带膝降血管蒂股骨内侧髁骨(膜)瓣移位修复股骨中下段骨不连或骨缺损。
According to the results, combined distal tibial and fibular osteoperiosteal flap pedicled with the peroneal vessels was designed for repairing the defect of the tibia and the reversed osteoperiosteal flap could be used to repair the talocrural joint. 根据解剖结果,设计了以腓血管为蒂的胫腓骨远段联合骨(膜)瓣,移位修复胫骨骨不连、骨缺损或逆行行踝关节融合等。
The end of the branch anastomoses with dorsal carpal branch of the ulnar and radial vessel 'Conclusion The pedicled osteoperiosteal flap can be transferred for repairing the fracture nonunion of ulna and radius and transpose reversely to repair scaphoid and innate bone disease' 结论以骨间前血管腕背支为蒂设计尺、桡骨膜(骨)瓣顺行移位可修复尺、桡骨中下段骨不连,逆行移位可修复舟骨、月骨骨不连及骨坏死。
Conclusion: The combined osteoperiosteal flap, with the retrograde peroneal vessel pedicle, may be used to repair tibia nonunion and defect of ankle joint. 结论:带腓血管蒂的胫腓骨远端后面联合骨(膜)瓣可以移位修复胫骨骨不连、骨缺损或逆行行踝关节融合术。
Methods 9 cases of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head in adults were treated by using multiple iliac osteoperiosteal flap pedicled with deep iliac circumflex blood vessel and ascending branch of lateral circumflex femoral vascular bundle graft. 方法采用带旋髂深血管蒂髂骨瓣和旋股外侧血管束联合移植术,治疗成人股骨头缺血性坏死9例。
Objective: it is order to provide anatomical basis for transposition repairing femoral fracture, nonunions by the femoral osteoperiosteal flap pedicled with vessele. 目的:为股骨骨折、骨不连提供带血管蒂骨膜(骨)瓣转位修复的解剖学基础。
Applied anatomy of the reversed femoral osteoperiosteal island flap 逆行岛状股骨内侧髁骨(膜)瓣的应用解剖
Applied Anatomy of the Femoral Osteoperiosteal Flap Pedicled with the Descending Genicular Vessels 带膝降血管蒂股骨内侧髁骨(膜)瓣的应用解剖
Transposition of distal ulnar osteoperiosteal flap pedicled with 骨间前血管蒂尺骨远段骨(膜)瓣转位术
Applied Anatomy of the Combined Distal Tibial and Fibular Osteoperiosteal Flap Pedicled with the Peroneal Vessels 带腓血管蒂胫腓骨远段骨(膜)瓣移位的应用解剖