A detached osteophyte may have provided the primary nidus for this loose body. 一个分离的骨赘可能这个游离体的原始病灶。
Preoperative osteophyte height did not predict which patients developed postoperative dysphagia. 术前骨赘的高度不能猜测术后发生吞咽困难。
Do you think it is osteophyte just from these symptoms? 那你觉得我这种情况是不是骨刺呢?
In peripheral cartilage end-plate of some degenerative cervical discs, its tidemark advanced, calcified and ossified cartilage thickened obviously, and vertebral osteophyte formated. 退变颈椎间盘周边软骨终板潮标明显前移,钙化和骨化层增厚,形成突向外侧的椎体边缘的骨赘。
Methods Using extracorporeal shock wave from an electromagnetic lithotriptor to treat osteophyte after degeneration of knee joint according to the precise localization with the double-band intersection X-rays, we conducted a follow-up study in 49 patients to evaluate the therapeutic effects of the treatment. 方法应用电磁式碎石机产生的冲击波,通过双束交叉X线的精确定位,体外冲击治疗膝关节退行性变形成的骨赘,并对49例患者进行追踪观察和评定。
Results CT findings of AO joint degeneration included: formation of osteophyte, narrowing of joint space, transverse ligament calcification, and joint vacuum phenomenon. 结果AO关节退变的CT表现主要包括:骨赘形成,关节间隙变窄,横韧带钙化及关节内真空现象。
The common reason of cervical spondylotic radiculopathy was that the nerve root could be compressed by osteophyte of the intervertebral facet joint and the Luschka joint. 神经根型颈椎病多由关节突关节及钩椎关节骨质增生压迫神经根所致。
Study on the relationship between the cartilage end-plate calcification and intervertebral disc degeneration and vertebral osteophyte formation in cervical vertebrae 颈椎软骨终板钙化与颈椎间盘退变和椎体骨赘形成的关系
The relation between alkaline phosphatase produced by degenerated vertebral peripheral articular cartilage and osteophyte formation 退变椎体周边关节软骨产生碱性磷酸酶与骨赘形成的关系
⑩ The incidence rates of formation of osteophyte and its compression on spinal cord at the intervertebral disc protrusion plus osteophyte formation stage and intervertebral disc protrusion plus spinal cord lesion stage were 100.0% and 86.7%. ⑩骨赘的形成及其对脊髓的压迫在椎间盘脱出合并有骨赘形成期,椎间盘脱出合并脊髓损害的出现率依次为100.0%,86.7%。
Conclusion The early X-ray signs of the hip joint lesion in ankylosing spondylitis were acetabulum erosion and interruption of the white line, solitary osteophyte in the lateral femoral head basis, acetabulum subchondral cystic degeneration, cystic degeneration of the femoral head, femoral head density decrease. 结论强直性脊柱炎髋关节病变的早期X线征象包括:髋臼骨侵蚀、白线中断,股骨头基部外侧孤立性骨赘,髋臼软骨下囊变,股骨头囊变和股骨头密度减低;
Conclusions: This result biochemically supports that the vertebral osteophyte arises from proliferating peripheral articular cartilage, which had been observed histologically. 结论:研究结果在生物化学上支持椎体骨赘来自于周边关节软骨增殖、化生、钙化和骨化的组织学观察。
Skin excision and osteophyte removal is not required in the surgical treatment of digital myxoid cysts 外科治疗指(趾)黏液样囊肿时无需切除皮肤及骨赘
Cases of diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis ( DISH) were reported. 27 cases of them had myelopathy or radiculopathy. 1 of them had dysphagia due to compression of vertebral osteophyte to esophagus. 报告28例弥漫性特发性骨肥厚症(DISH),其中27例伴有脊髓病或神经根病,1例伴有食道压迫症。
Its pathological feature is destruction of articular cartilage and osteophyte formation on the edge of joint, that is degeneration of articular cartilage and succeeding bone hyperplasia. 其主要病变是关节软骨的破坏及关节边缘的骨赘形成,亦即关节软骨的退行性变和继发性骨质增生,一般认为与组织退变、长期劳损以及遗传、代谢等因素有关。
The pathological changes of osteoarthritis under the arthroscopy include hyperplasia of synovial membrane, degeneration of cartilage or exposure of subchondral bone on the stress areas of the femur condyles and patella, wear and tear of meniscus, formation of osteophyte and loose body. OA关节镜下的病理改变包括滑膜组织增生肥厚、股骨髁及髌骨应力区软骨剥脱、软骨下骨裸露和半月板磨损等。
Results: The pathological changes were in sequence: joint space narrowing, osteoporosis or sclerosis of the subchondral bone, osteophyte formation, vacuum joint, joint capsule calcification, sagittal articular orientation change, hypertrophy of articular processes, partial dislocation. 结果:小关节退变病理变化依次为:关节间隙狭窄、软骨下骨疏松或硬化、骨赘形成、关节真空、关节囊钙化、关节面矢向变化、关节突肥大、小关节半脱位。
Its pathological feature is denaturation and destruction of joint, ossification appeared below the cartilage, Reactive hyperplasia of bone also occurred both the verge of joint and below the cartilage, then osteophyte formed. 骨关节炎是临床上最常见的一种慢性、进展性关节疾病。其病理特点为关节变性、破坏、软骨下骨化,关节边缘和软骨下骨反应性增生,骨赘形成。
But the methods of clinical treatment to OA includes reducing articular pains, improving articular function and replacement of joint, in short of effective methods to control and treat the key of OA ( cartlage damage and osteophyte formation). 然而,临床上对OA患者的治疗,主要是缓解关节疼痛、改善功能以及人工关节置换术,目前尚缺乏从根本上控制和治疗OA的关键(软骨破坏和骨赘形成)的有效方法。
While the osteophyte occurred in the stab disc after 3 months postoperatively. 而穿刺椎间盘相邻椎体在术后3月可见部分骨赘形成。
Through a series of pathophysiological changes, it will cause adjacent vertebral osteophyte formation, which lead to oppression of spinal cord and its affiliated vascular structure. 颈椎间盘在发生一系列的病理生理变化之后,引起邻近的椎节和椎体后缘的骨赘形成,对颈椎的脊髓及其附属结构产生压迫,进而使患者出现相应的临床症状。
Repeated micro-trauma of the articular cartilage can cause bone tissue under the micro-fractures and articular cartilage caused by the biomechanical and metabolic changes, bone sclerosis and osteophyte formation. 反复的关节微创伤可引起软骨下骨组织的微骨折,并引起关节软骨的生物力学和代谢的变化、骨硬化及骨赘形成。
Herniated cervical intervertebral disk, osteophyte, and incrassate ligaments resulted from cervical degenerative diseases compress spinal cord and nerve roots and produce clinical symptom. The cervical degenerative diseases generally include the cervical spondylosis, the cervical unsteadiness and degenerative spinal stenosis. 颈椎病、颈椎不稳、退变性椎管狭窄等颈椎退行性疾病常由于突出的椎间盘、增生的骨赘、增厚的韧带等结构压迫脊髓或神经根产生临床症状。
The main pathological features of KOA are articular cartilage damage and osteophyte formation. KOA的主要病理特征是关节软骨的破损和骨赘生成。
Study showed that the expression of leptin was detected in synovial fluid, osteophyte and articular cartilage in patients with osteoarthritis. 已有报道,在骨关节炎患者的关节液、骨赘以及关节软骨中检测到瘦素的表达。
Osteoarthritis is a nonspecific inflammation characterized by changes of articular cartilage and Subchondral bone osteonecrosis 、 Cystic degeneration, leading to increase bone density and formation of osteophyte. 骨关节炎(osteoarthritis,OA)是以软骨改变为主要特征,进而造成软骨下骨坏死,囊性变,骨密度增加和伴发骨赘形成的一种非特异性炎症。
The basic pathological characteristic of it is articular cartilage degeneration, destruction, subchondral sclerosis, reactive hyperplasia of articular cartilage edge and cartilage sending down fishbone and the formation osteophyte. 其病理特点为关节软骨变性、破坏、软骨下硬化,关节边缘和软骨下骨反应性增生、骨赘形成。