Method Human periost was isolated from osteoplasty. Osteoblasts was cultivated with enzymic digestion. 方法:于手术中分离剥取人骨膜,用酶消化法培养人成骨细胞,并通过技术改进,获取大量生长良好的第二代人成骨细胞。
A simple abrasive osteoplasty for the prominent mandibular angle correction 单纯下颌骨磨削法矫治下颌角肥大
Conclusion Percutaneous osteoplasty is an safe and effective technique for treatment of bone cyst. 结论:经皮骨成形术是一种安全有效的治疗骨囊肿的技术。
Conclusion The simple abrasive osteoplasty is a safety and effective method for prominent mandibular angle correction. 结论下颌骨磨削法矫治下颌角肥大是一种并发症少、安全有效的好方法。
Treatment Bone Cyst by Percutaneous Osteoplasty 经皮骨成形术治疗骨囊肿
Clinical experiences of early osteoplasty in giant cranial bone defect after severe cranial brain injury 重型颅脑损伤术后巨大颅骨缺损早期成形临床体会
The total hip arthroplasty ( THA) which is widely used in the field of surgical osteoplasty is an efficacious method of curing hip diseases and recuperating the walking function of patients. 人工髋关节置换是在外科骨整形领域广泛应用的一种治疗髋关节病变,恢复病人行走功能的有效方法。