Change of skeletal fluorosis with osteosclerosis drunk low fluoride water for long time 长期改饮低氟水后硬化型氟骨症的变化
Stage I showed stelliform sign distortion and osteoporosis and osteosclerosis in 34 places. 其中Ⅰ期34个,表现为星芒结构变形、骨疏松和骨硬化;
Results The CT findings of inverted papilloma of the nose and paranasal sinuses were the crawling growths of soft-tissue mass in the one side of the nose and paranasal, there were slight to moderate enhancement and probably with destruction of bone and osteosclerosis. 结果鼻腔鼻窦内翻乳头状瘤主要表现为单侧鼻腔鼻窦呈匍匐生长的软组织团块,轻到中度增强,可伴有骨质破坏和骨质硬化。
Two had horizontal defect and osteosclerosis in the posterior 1/ 3-1/ 2 region of the end plates of the vertebrae; 2个椎体下终板后1/3~1/2区域水平位缺损、硬化;
Stage ⅱ showed osteosclerosis and cystic hyalomere in 30 places. Ⅱ期30个,呈骨硬化及囊状透亮区;
CT findings were as follows: destruction of bone and surrounding osteosclerosis, sequestrum, formation of cold abscess and calcification of the wall; CT表现为骨质破坏伴骨硬化缘环绕、死骨,冷脓肿形成及脓肿壁钙化。
Results ( 1) Bone osteosclerosis and destruction, cartilaginoid calcification, cartilaginous ossification, soft-tissue lump can be shown in CT imagings. 结果(1)软骨肉瘤CT扫描可清楚显示骨质改变,软骨钙化,瘤软骨骨化,软组织肿块。
CT scans also documented osteosclerosis in the cortical edge of 4 femoral heads. 4个股骨头见边缘皮质硬化。
Erosion of the medial wall of maxillary sinus in early stage, followed by hyperostosis, osteosclerosis and double line sign of new bone formation in the thickened sinus wall. 早期上颌窦内壁破坏,晚期鼻窦骨质增生、硬化,窦壁增厚,出现双线征。
CONCLUSION: The partial vertebrectomy of vertebral body with spinal tuberculosis should involve all the unconspicuous tubercular infectious bone that is 4 mm apart to the distinct infectious focus, including the vertebral osteosclerosis, granulation tissue and necrotic tissne. 结论:欲彻底切除脊柱结核病灶,需切除距明显病灶4mm的包括硬化骨、结核肉芽组织、坏死物质在内的所有骨质。
Results: There are 13 cases of osteosclerosis in small joint of spine, and 7 cases of subflavous ligament thicken and/ or ossify, all of this display long-Tl and short-T2 imaging in MRI. 结果:脊椎小关节骨质增生13例,黄韧带肥厚和(或)骨化7例,在MR图像上呈长T1短T2信号。
Results Early signs of ANFH using CT showed that, in 38 femoral heads 31 cases, there were radiate star shape of high-density osteosclerosis of the trabeculae ( stage ⅰ) in 13 femoral head. 结果:早期ANFH的CT表现:31例38个股骨头,其中13个股骨头骨小梁呈放射状高密度的星状征,骨小梁境界清楚、锐利,属Ⅰ期;
Conclusion: The causes of abnormal long-T1 and short-T2 imaging in MRI, we think that the osteosclerosis in small joint of spine is a common cause except the subflavous ligament thicken and/ or ossify. 结论:MR图像上脊髓侧后缘异常长T1短T2信号,除为黄韧带肥厚和(或)骨化外,脊椎小关节骨质增生也是一种常见病因。
The demonstrating extent of bone destruction, osteosclerosis, periosteal reaction, involving of marrow lumen and sequestrum were compared among plain film and multi-slice CT. 对此68例临床症状不典型的患者,用对比分析平片、多层CT二种检查方法对骨质破坏、骨质硬化、骨膜反应、骨髓腔受累、死骨等征象的显示进行比较。
Stage I showed osteoporosis and osteosclerosis in 46 places. 其中Ⅰ期46个,表现为骨疏松及骨硬化;
But overdose fluorine can cause skeletal damage, which lesion fairly complicated. There are only osteosclerosis, ossifying around the bone, but osteomalacia, osteoporosis. 但过量氟会引起骨骼的损伤,其病变较复杂,既有骨硬化、骨周化骨,又有骨软化、骨质疏松。
Results The mostly X-ray plain film of malignant fibrous histiocytoma presented massive destruction of bone, no clear limit, no osteosclerosis, tumor bone and periosteal proliferation. 结果恶性纤维组织细胞瘤X线平片主要表现为大块状骨质破坏,界限不清,无骨质硬化、肿瘤骨和骨膜增生,多发生于管状骨,早期软组织肿块不明显等。