Minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis and anatomical plate for fixation of distal tibial comminuted fractures 应用微创经皮钢板固定技术结合解剖钢板治疗胫骨远端粉碎性骨折
A comparative study on open reduction and plating osteosynthesis and minimal invasive plating osteosynthesis in treating mid-distal humeral shaft fractures 闭合复位微创钢板与切开复位钢板内固定治疗肱骨干中下段骨折的比较研究
Curative effect of minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis assisted by arthroscopy on 29 cases of tibial plateau fractures 关节镜下微创经皮钢板内固定治疗胫骨平台骨折29例疗效观察
Objective: To provide anatomic data for the application of lag screw osteosynthesis in condylar fractures. 目的:为下颌骨髁状突骨折轴向拉力螺钉复位固定技术提供解剖学基础。
Objective To investigate the treatment of functional training of tibial fractures patients with subcutaneous plate osteosynthesis. 目的:探索早期康复锻炼对皮下钢板治疗的胫骨骨折病人的作用。
Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Pedicle Screw Osteosynthesis for Treatment of Thoraco-lumbar Vertebra Fracture 微创经皮AF内固定治疗胸腰椎骨折
Minimally invasive percutaneous locking compression plate osteosynthesis for treatment of complicated distal femoral fracture 经皮微创锁定加压接骨板内固定治疗复杂性股骨远端骨折
Treatment of proximal tibia comminute fractures using minimally invasive percutaneous plating osteosynthesis technique 此书一经问世,便不胫而走。经皮微创钢板固定技术治疗胫骨近端粉碎骨折
Clinical practice of CT-guided acupuncture to clear intracranial hematoma Treatment of proximal tibia comminute fractures using minimally invasive percutaneous plating osteosynthesis technique CT引导下穿刺颅内血肿清除术的临床应用经皮微创钢板固定技术治疗胫骨近端粉碎骨折
Objective To investigate the clinical curative effect of treating tibia fracture by minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis ( MIPPO). 目的探讨微创经皮钢板在治疗胫腓骨骨折的临床疗效。
Objective: To evaluate the clinical effectiveness of titanium plate osteosynthesis in maxillofacial fractures. 前言:目的:对应用钛板作骨内坚固内固定的效果进行临床评价。
Clinical Observation About Percutaneous Plate Osteosynthesis with external Fixator for Distal Tibia Fractures 结合外支架复位经皮钢板固定治疗胫骨远端骨折疗效分析
Arthroscopic percutaneous osteosynthesis of low-energy tibial plateau fractures 关节镜下经皮复位空心钉内固定治疗低能量胫骨平台骨折
Analysis of the problems about minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis in the distal tibial fracture: 30 cases report 经皮微创钢板固定治疗胫骨下段骨折30例报告及相关问题探讨
Methods 16 patients with metaphyseal fracture of tibia were treated with minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis by indirect reduction. 方法16例胫骨干骺端骨折患者,采用间接复位经皮微创钢板内固定技术治疗。
Objective To evaluate the clinical significance of biological osteosynthesis of retrograde self locked nail for humeral fracture. 目的探讨肱骨逆行自身交锁钉生物固定的临床应用价值。
Indirect reduction and minimally invasive steel plate for internal osteosynthesis 间接复位与微创钢板内固定术
Objective To report the technique and clinical results of minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis ( MIPPO) in treatment of fractures of the metaphyseal tibia. 目的探讨经皮微创钢板固定技术(MIPPO)治疗胫骨近、远端粉碎性骨折的方法和临床效果。
To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fibular osteosynthesis and osteotomy in the treatment of tibial fractures. 本文讨论胫骨骨折治疗过程中腓骨接骨与截骨的得失。
[ Objective] To summarize the surgical management and clinic results of the minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis ( MIPPO) technique in treatment of proximal metaphyseal fractures of tibia. [目的]总结经皮微创钢板接骨术(MIPPO)治疗胫骨近侧干骺端骨折的手术方法和临床效果。
Objetive: To evaluate the effect of memory alloy plate osteosynthesis for treatment of complicated fractures of long bone. 目的:评价记忆合金接骨板治疗复杂长骨骨折的临床疗效。
Clinical observation on treatment of proximal metaphyseal fracture of tibia using minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis 经皮微创钢板接骨术治疗胫骨近侧干骺端骨折的临床观察
It is wise in treatment of tibial fractures not to perform fibular osteosynthesis or osteotomy whenever possible. 但在对胫骨骨折治疗时,无论对腓骨接骨与截骨,无为而治为上策。
Treatment of comminuted tibia-fracture by combined minimally invasive plate biological osteosynthesis and external fixation 微创钢板生物学内固定结合外固定架治疗胫骨粉碎性骨折
[ Methods] Thirty two patients suffered from distal tibial fractures or Pilon fractures between March 2001 and July 2004 were treated by minimally invasive percutaneous plate osteosynthesis ( MIPPO) protocol. 方法2001年3月-2004年7月应用微创经皮钢板内固定(MIPPO)术治疗胫骨远端及Pilon骨折32例。
A Experimental Study of Influence of Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis ( MIPO) to the Tibial Blood Supply 微创技术皮下钢板对胫骨血供影响的实验研究
Application of cable osteosynthesis in treatment of fracture nonunion 钢缆接骨术在骨不连治疗中的应用
Conclusion artificial humeral head replacement and open reduction and plate osteosynthesis are in treatment of senile comminuted proximal humeral fractures is effective method. 结论人工肱骨头置换术及切开复位锁定钢板内固定术均是治疗老年肱骨近端粉碎性骨折的有效方法。