Study of the Osseointegration of the Implant Embedded in the Mini Pig after Osteotome Maxillary Sinus Elevation Penetrating through the Maxillary Sinus Mucosa 小型猪上颌窦内提升穿破上颌窦粘膜同期植入种植体的愈合情况的研究
The osteotome is adjustable hollow gouge, which comprises a gouge handle, a connection rod, and a gouge core. 圆凿为可调式空心圆凿,包括凿柄、连接杆和凿芯;
Clinical Application of Piezoelectric Osteotomy in Osteotome Sinus Floor Elevation Technique 超声骨刀在闭合式上颌窦底提升牙种植术的临床应用
This is an osteotome for high cheekbone reshaping and applies to high cheekbone plastic surgery. 一种用于高颧骨整形手术的高颧骨整形颧骨凿。
Osteotome sinus floor elevation without bone grafting: a 2-year prospective clinical study 不做窦底骨移植上颌窦内提升术2年疗效观察
The osteotome is mainly used for chipping a bone tip of a small alveolar bone, and can reduce the pain of a patient, and finish a denture restoration. 主要用于凿平齿槽骨小的骨尖,减少患者痛苦完成义齿修复。
The Application Study of Resonance Frequency Analysis to Evaluating the Effects of Osteotome Technique on Implant Initial Stability 谐振频率法分析骨挤压术对种植体初期稳定性的影响
Evaluation of clinical results on osteotome sinus floor elevation and dental implant placement 闭合式上颌窦底提升术同期种植体植入临床应用分析
The osteotome is made of stainless steel metal, and has the advantages of simple structure and convenient use. 骨凿为不锈钢金属制品,结构简单、使用方便。
The clinical evaluation on maxillary sinus elevation with simultaneous implantation with osteotome and discussion of relevant questions 冲顶式上颌窦提升的临床评价及相关问题探讨
Objective: The aim of this report was to introduce the technique of osteotome maxillary sinus floor elevation for implantation by piezoelectric osteotomy. 目的:探讨超声骨刀在闭合式上颌窦底提升种植术应用效果和技术特点。
An Experimental Model for Maxillary Sinus Elevation and Bone Grafting with Simultaneous Implant Placement with Osteotome Technique 冲顶式上颌窦提升植骨牙种植动物模型的建立
Objective: To research comparatively stress and displacement on osteotome-bone interface and maxillary sinus floor at the different distance between osteotomes and the maxillary sinus floor at osteotome sinus floor elevation. 目的:对比研究当骨挤压器距上颌窦底不同距离时,骨挤压器-骨组织界面及上颌窦底的应力和位移情况。
Objective To evaluate the clinical results of osteotome sinus floor elevation technique in the posterior maxillary region. 目的探讨上颌窦底冲压提升技术在上颌后牙区种植修复中的应用效果和技术特点。
Three-dimensional finite element analysis of osteotome sinus floor elevation at the different distance between osteotomes and the maxillary sinus floor 骨挤压上颌窦提升术中骨挤压器距上颌窦底不同距离的三维有限元分析
Using ultrasonic osteotome with a turbo drill for removal of mandibular impacted wisdom teeth can play their respective advantages, reduce postoperative complications more effectively to achieve minimally invasive procedure. 但超声骨刀配合涡轮钻拔除下颌阻生智齿可以发挥各自优点,更好地降低术后并发症达到微创操作的目的。
For group B, used the turbine drill ( control group) for the left side and the ultrasonic osteotome with the turbine drill ( experimental group) for the right side. B组左侧先用涡轮钻(对照组)拔除,右侧则用超声骨刀配合涡轮钻(实验组)拔除。
In the surgery of removing the low site mandibular horizontally impacted wisdom tooth, ultrasonic osteotome can remove bone more precisely, achieving the maximum retention of healthy bone. 3. 在拔除下颌低位水平阻生智齿的手术中,超声骨刀比涡轮钻能更精确的去骨,最大程度的保留健康骨质。
In addition, because the unique transducer principle of ultrasonic osteotome, postoperative complications such as lower lip numbness caused by injury to the inferior alveolar nerve can be effectively avoided. 2. 此外,由于超声骨刀的独特换能原理,可以有效地避免损伤下齿槽神经导致下唇麻木等术后并发症的发生。
Ultrasonic osteotome has its advantage in the extraction of low horizontally impacted wisdom teeth, but is less efficient when used alone especially in tooth-separating, while for the operation of osteotomy, it can achieve the best cost-effective. 超声骨刀在临床上水平低位阻生智齿的拔除过程中具有优势,但单独使用效率较低,尤其在分牙方面。而对于切骨操作可以达到最佳效费比。