Effect of insulin-like growth factor 1 on osteoblast proliferation and osteocalcin expression in osteotylus of diabetic rats after fracture 胰岛素样生长因子1在糖尿病骨折大鼠骨痂组织中对成骨细胞增殖和骨钙素表达的影响
Effect of Zhenggu preparation on index of the osteotylus formation and the microcirculation of auricle in the rats 正骨制剂对大鼠骨痂生长指数及耳廓微循环影响的实验研究
Effects of bone morphogenetic protein 2 on the osteoblast proliferation and osteocalcin expression in the osteotylus tissues of diabetic rats with fractures 糖尿病骨折大鼠骨痂组织中成骨细胞增殖和骨钙素表达与骨形态发生蛋白2干预的关系
Results All patients were healing up after 4-6 months treatment, and 2 years's osteotylus observation was satisfied. 结果4&6个月骨折全部愈合,2年随访骨痂塑形良好。
The Treatment for Non-union of Traumatic-Infectious Long Bone by Osteotylus Prolongation: A Report of 94 cases 骨痂延长术治疗长骨创伤感染性骨不连接
There was less chondral osteotylus in the treated group, and the formation and maturity of osseous callus were one week earlier than those in the control group. 用药组软骨骨痂少,骨性骨痂形成及成熟比对照组提前1周。
Observation on the Morphology of Nonunion Treated by the Transplantation of Osteotylus around Fracture 骨折周围骨痂移植治疗骨不愈合的形态学观察
Results More osteotylus and periosteal reactions can be observed by regular photograph ( after migrating 2,4 and 6 weeks), and osteoblasts can be found by histology in the bone detect sections of the experimental group. 结果实验组从2、4、6周均见明显骨痂形成和骨膜反应,组织学观察可见有成骨样细胞形成。
For the BMP content in the osteotylus tissue which reached its peak during the second through fourth weeks, it was one week earlier for the treated group to have BMP content peak than the control one. 骨痂组织BMP含量高峰在第2~4周,用药组BMP含量高峰比对照组提前1周。
Bony callus and the concentration of nuclide were increased gradually in the examination at month 6 and 12. About 10-14 months after operation, the osteotylus would cover the end of allograft, substituted the allograft gradually. 6和12个月检查见骨痂和核素浓集逐渐增多,10~14个月生长骨痂可覆盖骨端,并随时间的延长逐渐完成替代爬行。
General observation of allograft of the two groups: At week 12, the allograft in the experimental group and control group had connected with host completely, and peripheral osteotylus had molding. 两组移植骨段大体观察:第12周,实验组与对照组移植骨段已与宿主完全连接成一整体,外周骨痂已塑形。
X-rays were taken separately in 2, 4, 8 and 12 week after operation to observe the growth of osteotylus in different phases and the bone union of implanted materials. 术后2周、4周、8周及12周摄X线片观察各组不同时期骨痂生长情况及植入材料的成骨愈合情况。
In traumatic osteotylus, the contents of zinc, silver and nickel were decreased. 对创伤骨痂标本进行上述元素测定,发现锌、银和镍的含量下降;
During 1-3 years follow-up, a great quantity of osteotylus formed in patients of both groups, but those in compound transplantation group was much more than those in the autoplastic transplantation group. 术后随访1 ̄3年,两组患者均有大量骨痂形成,但复合移植组患者骨痂形成量明显多于自体移植组。
The defected margin exposed evidently without the formation of osteotylus in the control group. 对照组缺损边界明显,未见明显骨痂生成。
Denervation can form lots of defective osteotylus around the fracture. 失神经可致骨折局部形成大量有缺陷的骨痂。
The osteotylus quantity was more in experimental group than that in the control group in 4 weeks after the operation, the osteotylus filled the bone damage, and was higher than the bone surface. 术后4周实验组骨痂量较对照组多,填充骨缺损。
The changes of implants surface 、 the form of osteotylus 、 the reparation of bone defection and tissue reaction around the implant were observed. 观察植入物的表面变化、骨痂形成、骨缺损修复情况及周围组织反应。