As soon as Clare had taken the reins from the ostler, and the young couple had driven off, the two men went in the other direction. 克莱尔从赶车的马夫手中接过缰绳,和苔丝一起上车动了身,那两个人走的是相反的路。
Ostler gives an account of the fluctuating fortunes of other major world languages. 奥斯特勒向读者讲述了世界其它主要语言跌宕起伏的命运。
Ostler argues that machine translation is improving, although it does struggle with nuance and figurative language. 奥斯特勒辩称,机器翻译正在改进,不过在对付细微语义差别和形象语言时的确还很吃力。
If we imagine that the supremacy of English will endure forever, says Ostler, we are guilty of both "memory failure" and a "signal lack of imagination". 奥斯特勒说,如果我们臆想英语至高无上的地位会永远持续下去,就是犯了“失忆症”与“典型的想象力缺乏症”。
Mr Ostler says machines may do the same to English. 奥斯特勒表示,机器可能会给英语造成同样的影响。
Improvements in translation technology will not change this by making it less important to learn second languages at all, despite claims such as Nicholas Ostler's in The Last Lingua Franca. 翻译技术的改进不会使学习第二门语言的重要性减弱而改变这一点。
Mr Ostler writes that while Mandarin could be used more in trade between China and Africa, there is no record of a language becoming a lingua franca without first being that of an empire. 奥斯特勒接下来写道,虽然汉语在中非贸易中可能会用得越来越多,但在一个国家未晋身帝国之际,其语言成为全球通用语的情况尚未有所闻。
Mr Ostler argues, however, that there are cases of lingua francas disappearing within a few decades. 但奥斯特勒辩称,有些通用语言在短短几十年时间里就没落了。
Yet in The Last Lingua Franca, Nicholas Ostler serves up a bold corrective to Anglo-centrism and its familiar flag-waving myopia. 然而,在《最后的通用语言:巴别塔重现前的英语》一书中,作者尼古拉斯奥斯特勒对盎格鲁中心主义思想以及常见的目光短浅的狂热爱国主义情绪进行了大胆纠正。
Ostler, a Briton who chairs the Foundation for Endangered Languages, opens with the provocative statement that "the decline of English, when it begins, will not seem of great moment". 作为濒危语言基金会主席的奥斯特勒(他是位英国人)在书中开篇就语出惊人:“当英语语言开始衰落时,将会是波澜不惊”。