Use the drill bit included in the Micro Sensor Skull Bolt Kit to perform a cranial ostomy. 使用包含在微传感器头骨螺栓工具包里的钻头进行头盖骨造口术。
Clinical discussion on nasal lacrimal ostomy under intranasal endoscopy for chronic dacryocystitis 鼻内镜下泪囊鼻内造口术治疗慢性泪囊炎的临床探讨
Objective To modify transverse colon loop ostomy operation. 目的改进横结肠袢式造瘘的术式。
When the cyst is big or manifests suddenly repeatedly, should make the vestibule big gland cyst incision ostomy or the cyst excision technique. 当囊肿较大或反复发作时,应做前庭大腺囊肿切开造口术或囊肿摘除术。
At present the most people advocate make the ostomy, therefore the method is simple, damages few, after the technique, can also restore the gland function. 目前多数人主张做造口术,因此方法较简单,损伤少,术后还能恢复腺体功能。转载请注明北京妇科医院排名&北京龙城妇科医院。
Document the condition of stoma, peri-stomal skin, nature and volume of effluent and the date of ostomy appliances changed. 记录造口情况,造口边缘的皮肤,排泄物的性状,量及更换造口器具的日期。
No one will know you have an ostomy unless you tell them. 没有人会知道你有一个造口,除非你告诉他们。
Adjuvant Use of Ostomy Bag in Cleansing Enema for Patients After Colostomy 结肠造口患者清洁灌肠中造口袋的应用
Derby Xia now is Hess a Fielder Special educational institution elementary student, in his throat in-line trachea ostomy breather pipe. 德比夏尔现在是赫斯菲尔德特殊学校的一名小学生,他的喉咙中一直插着一根气管造口术呼吸管。
Traumatic subdural effusion treated with small bone window penetration and arachnoid ostomy 小骨窗开颅加蛛网膜造瘘治疗外伤性硬膜下积液
Application of Ostomy Bag and Painless Protective Membrane in Skin Care of Patients with Enterocutaneous Fistula 造口袋及无痛保护膜在肠外瘘患者皮肤护理中的应用
Tympanic membrane ostomy on aerotitis media-2 cases report with review of the literature 鼓膜造瘘治疗航空性中耳炎两例并文献复习
Objective To explore the role of the stomach and jejunum ostomy in duodenum injury treatment. 目的探讨胃及空肠造瘘在十二指肠损伤中的作用。
Experience of stomach and jejunum ostomy in duodenum injury treatment ( 12 cases report) 胃及空肠造瘘治疗十二指肠损伤的体会(附12例报告)
Symptoms in early stage cases can be relieved with ostomy belt. 早期或症状轻微者经造口带治疗多可缓解症状。
With one case of left colon and two cases of sigmoid colon cancer had ostomy first then had the radical operation lat-er. 施行I期结肠造瘘,II期肿瘤切除肠吻合,左半结肠癌1例,乙状结肠癌2例。
All cases were definitely diagnosed and divided into stages via laparoscopy and according to stages lysis of adhesions or ostomy was performed laparoscopically. 所有病例均经腹腔镜明确诊断并分期,根据分期行腹腔镜粘连松解或造口术。
Attachment excision, ipsilateral salpingectomy, for non-reproductive and often relapsed patients should be recommend. They can reduced the more recurrence of mass than tubal ostomy. 附件切除术、患侧输卵管切除术对于无生育要求的、经常复发的盆腔炎性包块患者是应推荐的手术方式,比单纯的输卵管造口术更能减少包块的复发。
Hydrocolloid dressing is a medical wounded material, which is prepared by base material of hot melt pressure sensitive adhesive and hydrocolloid. It mainly uses in dermatology and surgical wound, has a good effect in ostomy, bedsore and infectious ulcer. 水胶体医用敷料是把吸水性高分子粒子与热熔压敏胶共混后制得的一种医用治伤材料,主要用于皮肤病学、外科伤口,对造口术、褥疮、感染性溃疡有较好疗效。
On social support needs range includes: family, medical insurance, ostomy supplies manufacturers, food safety. 对社会支持的需求范围包括了:家人、医疗保险、造口用品生产厂家、食品安全等。
One Tile A stable fracture case received conservative therapy after ostomy and debridement. 1例TileA稳定型骨折行清创、保守治疗。