Your boss has asked you for a1 page memo describing several project options, and recommending which one the OSTP should back. 你的上司要求你缴交一份单页备忘录来说明几个太空计划的方案,并且建议白宫科技政策幕僚应该支持哪项方案。
In particular, he has promised that the head of the OSTP, who acts as the presidential science adviser, will also be a member of his cabinet. 特别地,他承诺担任总统科学顾问的OSTP的负责人也将是他的内阁成员。
In1976, the Office of Science and Technology Policy ( OSTP) was created to provide the President with timely policy advice and to coordinate the science and technology investment. 此外还有其他办事机构,它们也都是总统共方面行政决策的助手,发挥咨询、协调和监督功能。
She was also involved in science diplomacy for the Clinton White House Office for Science and Technology ( OSTP). 她还参与了克林顿政府的白宫科学技术办公室(OSTP)的科学外交工作。
Under the direction of the National Science and Technology Council's Committee on Science, a pamphlet titled "Science for the 21st Century" was produced by the Office of Science and Technology Policy ( OSTP) of the White House. 在美国国家科学技术委员会(NSTC)科学分委会的指导下,白宫科技政策办公室(OSTP)于2004年7月印行了一本名为《为了21世纪的科学》的小册子。