AIM: To observe the morphological changes of vestibular organs and to detect the calcium content of otoconia in rats after simulated weightlessness. 目的:模拟失重状态下观察大鼠前庭器官形态学改变和测量耳石中的钙含量。
Otolith are found from many small crystalline otoconia. 听石由许多小结晶的耳石形成。
The results showed that after 120 d simulated weightlessness otoconia were round, irregularly shaped, or with fissures, and there were rough and fine granular or small globular substances on the surface. 结果表明,尾部悬吊120d大鼠椭圆囊及球囊耳石呈圆形或不规则形,表面粗糙不平,有细颗粒状物或小球形物突起或凹凸不平,并见有裂隙。
Degeneration and fusion of the otoconia, including the disappearance of its classical prism like structure and fusing into a larger one. 2耳石的变性融合,表现为多个耳石失去正常多棱型结构,融合为大的整体。
The dark cells in 11th week fetus became involved in the metabolism of otoconia. 11周的胎儿暗细胞就已参与耳石的代谢。
Scanning Electron Microscopic Observation of the Protective effects of α-receptor antagonist on the otoconia in the Rat α-受体阻滞剂对老化大鼠耳石保护作用的扫描电镜观察
Observation of morphology and calcium content of vestibular otoconia in rats in simulated weightlessness 模拟失重状态下大鼠前庭形态学和耳石钙含量的变化
The calcium content of otoconia markedly decreased ( P0.01). 耳石中钙的含量也显著下降(P0.01)。