Almost all otogenic brain abscesses have chronic suppurative otorrhea ( present in this case on subsequent otoscopy), and more than half have a cholesteatoma. 几乎所有的耳源性的脑脓肿都有慢性的化脓性的耳漏,并且超过一半的有胆脂瘤。
Careful restraint or sedation or even anaesthesia is necessary to prevent damage during otoscopy. 使用耳镜检查时,注意限制动物的活动,必要时给予麻醉剂。
A.Examination and evaluation, including gross exam, otoscopy, cytology, and culture if indicated. 检查和评估,包括眼观检查、耳镜检查、细胞学检查和必要时培养。
PARTICIPANTS: The subjects in the normal hearing group were the 21 undergraduates ( 42 ears) were enrolled, they all had not any symptoms of ear disease, without history of noise exposure and disease of vestibule system, and they were normal in otoscopy. 对象:听力正常组为在校大学学生21人42耳,无任何耳科疾病症状,无噪声暴露史及前庭系统疾病,耳镜检查正常。
Virtual otoscopy of middle ear structure and pathology 中耳结构及中耳病变的虚拟耳镜表现