Shetland is the last stronghold of otters in the British Isles. 设得兰群岛是水獭在不列颠群岛上最后的栖息地。
Waterfront will operate with a leased fleet of dhc-6 twin otters& iconic, 16-passenger, STOL ( short takeoff and landing) amphibious planes, manufactured in Canada. 海翔航空将利用租来的DHC-6双水獭飞机组成的机队来运营这项业务&DHC-6双水獭飞机能够搭载16名乘客,是标志性的短距起降(STOL)两栖飞机,出产地是加拿大。
Otters? There are otters here? 这里有水獭吗?
The highest density of otters in Europe; 欧洲密度最高的水獭;
Typical desert creatures such as scorpions and snakes are also on display, as well as animals that live in water like frogs, and otters that burrow under rocks and logs. 诸如蝎子和蛇之类的典型沙漠生物、青蛙等住在水里的动物、在岩石和圆木下挖掘隧道的水獭也在参展之列。
As one of the most playful members of the Animal Kingdom, otters are often pictured fishing for food and interacting with one another. 水獭可谓是动物王国最可爱的动物之一,经常被拍到捕食和相互嬉戏的照片。
Employees, and sea otters are dressed as Santa Claus and reindeers, attracting the audience. 员工和海獭扮成圣诞老人和驯鹿的样子令在场的观众很高兴。
Otters are most commonly found in the Pacific Northwest in waters off the coast. But they can also be found in Russia and Japan. 水獭经常出现在太平洋西北地区邻近海岸的水域里,但也会出没在俄罗斯和日本等地。
A must-see stop on any adventurous traveler's itinerary, a trip from Anchorage to Glacier Bay on Carnival Alaska will include sightings of numerous seabirds, otters, bears and even humpback whales. 冰川湾是喜欢冒险的旅客必须要去的地方。从安克雷奇到冰川湾的旅途中,你可以看到无数的海鸟、水獭、熊、甚至是座头鲸。
The meerkats have a new state-of-the-art home at the zoo, part of a development called'Happy Families ', which also includes new enclosures for otters and marmosets. 这些猫鼬在动物园中有一个非常现代化的家,那是名为“幸福家庭”小区的一部分,该小区还包括为水獭和长尾猴新圈出的家园。
The eagles fly and the otters play, In the land of the Seminole. 鹰击长空,水獭戏水,那是米诺尔人的家乡。
Do you know anywhere in Stamford where you can see otters play? 你知道在斯坦福德哪儿能看到水獭嬉戏吗?
Do you think the otters could wait till tomorrow? 你觉得这里这只水獭可以等到明天吗?
I am going to start a foundation to save the sea otters. 我要筹建一个基金去拯救水獭。
You know, otters stiII Iive here. 你知道这里有水赖。
We're the only one that uses tools then& but that's if you don't count otters smashing mollusks with rocks or apes stripping leaves from twigs and using them to fish for termites. 我们又自言是唯一会使用工具的&但是除非你不把水獭用石头打碎软体动物或类人猿用从小树枝上拔下来的叶子捕捉白蚁算在内。
We've been reading your blog about the sea otters. 我们读了你关于水獭的博客。
That means otters don't have to be considered during offshore oil projects and aren't protected from incidental take by fishermen. 这意味在实施海上石油项目时就不必将海獭作为考虑的因素,也不必保护它们,免遭渔民偶然捕获。
The larger fish are themselves food for otters. 较大的鱼类是水獭的食物。
Otters live to be20 years old both in captivity and in the wild. 水獭活到20岁都在囚禁和在野生环境中。
Charlotte takes us on a journey through the streams, rivers, swamps and lakes of the Amazon to find crocodiles, giant river otters, pink dolphins and flocks of brilliantly coloured parrots and macaws. 夏绿蒂·俄伦布克带我们探访鳄鱼、水獭、淡水龟,水虎鱼和粉红色河海豚。而水面上,金刚鹦鹉和鹦鹉为亚马逊注入活力和色彩。
At the Monterey Bay Aquarium an ambitious program to raise abandoned sea otter pups was designed to teach the otters everything they would have learned from their mothers. 美国加州蒙特利湾水族馆制定了一项雄心勃勃的计划:抚养海獭幼崽,并教会小海獭们所有他们可能从父母处学会的东西。
When the sea lion population crashed, they started fishing sea otters. 而又当海狮的数量变少后,虎鲸又开始猎杀海獭了。
That's not what you would expect if infections caused by pollution started killing a lot of otters. 如果污染造成的疾病感染导致了海獭数量的剧减,那么情况不该如此。
Dialects are common in animal communications, but because of the differences in the sounds they make it will be difficult for these Canadian otters to communicate with the native ones, Matthew evans, an animal communications expert from Stirling university, was quoted as saying. “动物交流中方言很常见,但是由于这两只加拿大水獭发出的声音和本地水獭不同,它们很难和本地水獭交流,”报纸援引斯特灵大学动物交流专家马修-伊万斯的话说。
In those locations that orcas can access easily, the number of sea otters has declined greatly. 在那些逆戟鲸很容易进入的海域,海獭的数量急剧减少。
But the otters lost their fear of people, and that endangered their survival. 但是,小海獭们对人类没有惧怕之心,这使他们的生存陷入险境。
So, it probably is the orcas that are causing the decline of all the smaller sea mammals mentioned in the passage-the seals, the sea lions, and the sea otters. 所以,很可能是逆戟鲸的捕食导致了文中提到的诸如海豹、海狮和海獭等小型哺乳动物的数量减少。
And scientists say some animal species, including sea otters, harbor seals, harlequin ducks, and herring, have yet to recover from the spill's negative effects. 科学家说,一些动物物种,包括海獭,港海豹,丑角鸭子,鲱鱼,还没有恢复过来泄漏的负面影响。