PRON-REFL (在明确指单数主语时,有时用于代替 ourselves;一些人认为此用法不正确)我们自己 Ourself is sometimes used instead of 'ourselves' when it clearly refers to a singular subject. Some people consider this use to be incorrect.
...the way we think of ourself and others. 我们看待自己和他人的方式
This allowed time to ourself along with some adventure out bushwalking, swimming and whatever you want to do. 这使我们有充足的时间去冒险,漫步丛林,游泳,做任何你想做的事。
It is important to know our good and bad points because this knowledge will help us to improve ourself. 对于我们来说,正确地认识自身的优缺点是很重要的,因为这个认识有助于我们自身的提高。
There is something much greater for our partner and ourself. 前面有着更重要的东西在等着我们和我们的伙伴。
And what happens when we ask ourself the hard question and get the answer we'd been hoping for? 以及,当我们终于开口问了问题,也得到了我们希望得到的答案,又会发生什么事情?
We should always depend on ourself rather than someone else. 我们应该依靠自己而不是别人。
We should start with your interdependence,! Go on challenge, defeats and develop ourself! 我想和你相互依赖,继续挑战自我,战胜自我,展现自我!
We could be in Heaven with every person we meet if we allow ourself to feel that good! 我可跟每个人都活在“天堂”里如果我们容许自己去体验美好的话。
We do not have to fail the most important examination, where the most serious judge is ourself. 对于这最重要的测验,我们不一定非失败不可,在那里,最严格的审判长是我们自己。
We are the only company with ability of research and design by ourself. 我们是唯一一家具备自主研究与设计的公司。
But if you are one of those who are incapable of impersonal interests, you may find that your life will be empty unless you concern ourself with your children and grandchildren. 但是如果你做不到不计较个人得失,你可能会发觉你的生活尤其空虚除非你不断关心你的孩子和孙子。
It is important to feel as much as we can so we can expand ourself, because if we do not feel, we die. 重要的是尽量去感觉我们的感觉,因此我们才可以伸展自己,开阔自己。因为我们不去感受的话,我们会死的。
If we do not do it, if we are not true to ourself, who will be? 如果我们不这样做,如果我们不真实的面对自己,谁会为我们做呢?
Being ourself in all of our grandeur shows how much we love the world. 活现我们的伟大庄严,显示我们是如何爱这个世界。
Whatever the conflict, we are only fighting ourself. 无论在哪里有矛盾,我们只是内心有交战。
It's crazy how much our brain can work in order to protect us against ourself. 为了保护我们自己,我们的大脑会不顾一切地让我们去做事与愿违的事。
Because they gave us the opportunity to arrange to work out the part of ourself. 因为他们给我们机会来安排我们各自的部分。
Yesterday we went to the zoo, we enjoy ourself. 昨天我们去了动物园,我们玩的很开心。
She also shows us how to look inside ourself and to become our own guru. 她还向我们展示如何向我们的内在看,如何成为我们自己的导师。
If we feel pain and tired, we have to force ourself to experience a thought transformation process, that will be a qualitative leap and change, perhaps it is a section of the suffering of the course. 如果当我们感到痛苦和疲惫,我们必须要强迫自己经历一个思想转变的过程,那将是一个质的飞跃和转变,或许那会是一段苦难的历程。
To be in Heaven is just to give everyone we meet that much of ourself. 要活在“天堂”很简单,只要给出我们自己给我们遇到的每一个人就可以了。
The greatest art, the greatest gift, is to be ourself. 最伟大的艺术、最伟大的礼物就是“活现自己”。
We can choose to be there, committed, giving ourself fully. 我们可以选择在那儿、承诺、完全给出自己。
We will be on the way of ourself. 我们会走出属于自己的一条路。
As we stop fighting ourself and stop fighting our partner, we receive this gift. 我们停止内心的交战和跟伴的交战,我们便可以接受礼物。
So, love ourself better. 所以,好好爱我们自己。
I hope this change is not only for ourself but our children, great grand children and the future of our country. 这个改变不只是为我们,也为我们的子女、子孙和国家的未来。
We always should stay true to ourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals. 我们始终应该坚持致力于决不让别人说什么注意力从你的目标。
We will cherish our today and future, our home, ourself. 我们珍惜我们的今天与未来,我们的家,我们自己!
So when we meet problem on our way of learning English, we can help us by ourself. 这样,当我们在学习英语的过程,如果遇到了困难,我们就会自己帮助自己了。
When we do not feel that we are someone's natural or equal partner, we give ourself up to be used, which then has us feel hurt, or in sacrifice. 当我们不觉得我们是某些人的自然的伙伴或者平等的伙伴,我们便是把自己放到被人利用的位置上。所以往后我们便会感到受伤,或者在牺牲。