Aside from explaining out-of-body experiences, the work could have more commercial applications, said the researcher. The technique could be used to make computer games even more exciting or projecting people into robot soldiers or surgeons. 研究者称,除了用来解释灵魂出窍这一说法,该项研究还有商业应用价值,可以让计算机游戏更为逼真,或者让人们变成诸如机器士兵或医生的形象。
Out-of-body experiences most often occur during sleep or waking as well as through drug use, trauma and under anaesthetic. 灵魂出窍一般在睡眠、吸食毒品、创伤或者麻醉等状态时发生。
It was just a complete out-of-body experience. 那真的是一场完全超乎想象的体验。
I'm a teacher at the School of Out-of-Body Travel, she says. 我是一个精神旅行学校的老师。
I was beginning to feel like I was having an out-of-body experience. 我开始觉得有点灵魂出窍的感觉。
I have to have an out-of-body experience, and I have to have it now. 我曾经灵魂出壳过,现在我必须再来一次。
At precisely that moment, some other mother, somewhere out in the universe, must have been having an out-of-body experience and decided to descend into my body to seize control of my vocal cords. 就在那一瞬间,一些母性的东西,来自外星球的某个地方,一定是有过出窍的经验,决定要进入我的身体并且控制了我的语言系统。
You ever heard of an out-of-body experience? 你听说过灵魂出窍这回事吗?
On Integration of Man and Nature and Combination of Yin and Yang& Analysis on Soul as an Old Philosophy; out-of-body experience 天人合一,阴阳共体&浅谈魂魄是一种古老的哲学观
Last week Parnia and his colleagues at the Human Consciousness Project announced their first major undertaking: a3-year exploration of the biology behind "out-of-body" experiences. 上周,帕弥亚和他的同事宣布了“人类意识研究项目”的第一阶段主要实施计划:为期三年对于超出生物学范围的“濒死体验”研究。
More evidence later emerged that a malfunctioning TPJ was at the heart of the out-of-body experience. 之后有更多证据证明,出错的TPJ是灵魂出窍体验的核心。
Sometimes people talk about, in fact we'll be reading about this, out-of-body experiences. 有时候人们讨论到,事实上我们将会阅读这些,离开身体的经历。
But scientists now claim they have dispelled this myth by artificially creating an out-of-body experience using computers and cameras. 然而科学家却称,通过电脑和摄像机可以人工创造尘铋魂出窍的觉得,进而破除这样的迷信思想。
I feel like I am having an out-of-body experience. 我感想我有点魂不附体了。(我觉得我是语无伦次了。)
But out-of-body experiences are nothing more than a trick of the mind, scientists claim. 但科学家表示,这种“灵魂出窍”的感觉只是大脑耍的小花招。
They were hallucinating, having out-of-body experiences. 使他们产生幻觉,以为自己灵魂出窍了。
We see UFOs, engage in channeling, spirit contact, out-of-body experiences, mindquests – all these eccentric ideas have a scientific veneer, but they are unashamedly irrational. 我们观看飞碟,热衷于通灵术、灵魂接触、魂游体外、心智探险活动&所有这些古怪思想都披着一层科学外衣,这些思想真是荒谬之极,他们竟然丝毫不觉羞耻。
This does not, however, explain the most striking feature of out-of-body experiences. 但这不能解释灵魂出窍体验最显著的特征。
Monroe has written three books in which he has described what he has seen and experienced while traveling in his out-of-body state through what appear to be other dimensions of reality. 门罗著有三本书,他在书中描述了当他处于脱体状态在现实的其他维度旅行时他的见闻和经历。
Ames experiment was conducted by using PCB induced bandicoot liver homogenate as the out-of-body metabolism activation system; 采用多氯联苯(PCB)诱导的大鼠肝匀浆(S9)混合液作为体外代谢活化系统进行Ames试验;