No matter how hard I tried, I could not rein in my out-of-control eating until I returned to New York and my family, and began dating my future husband. 不管我怎样努力,都没法摆脱业已失控的暴食,直到我回到纽约,回到家人身边,开始跟我未来的丈夫约会,这一切才停止。
It's a gateway to out-of-control spending and corruption. 而&这种病最坏的症状,正如我的朋友,汤姆.科本所说,财政特别拨款是一种入门毒品,因为那是一扇门,一扇通向不受控制的花销和腐败的大门。
Political leaders vowed to wrest back command of their destinies from out-of-control markets. 各国首脑誓言,要从失控的市场手中夺回命运的主宰权。
The young firebrand does appear to be doing a bit to restrain his more out-of-control followers. 这位新兴的煽动叛乱人士看来要采取措施限制他那些失去控制的信徒们。
The Entrepreneurial U.S.Research University: Necessary Marketization or Out-of-Control Academic Capitalism? 创业型美国研究型大学:必要的市场化还是失控的学术资本主义?
Who should be responsible for the out-of-control land use? 土地失控谁之过?
On the third, no good reason exists to expect an out-of-control inflationary process as a result of central bank monetary operations. 对于第三点,没有理由认为,央行的货币操作会导致通胀失控。
Third, India must proof itself against big macroeconomic risks, particularly from excessive fiscal deficits, ill-managed integration with the global financial system and, in the longer run, out-of-control domestic credit. 第三,印度必须证明自己不会出现重大的宏观经济风险,尤其是过度财政赤字、融入全球金融体系时管理不善,以及更长期国内信贷失控的风险。
I couldn't go anywhere without him, so I urged the neighborhood kids to come to my house for some out-of-control kid-centered fun. 不带上他,我是哪里也去不了的。因此,我怂恿邻居的孩子到我家来,尽情地玩孩子们玩的游戏。
After building his own aircraft, he proceeds to ask Minnie to join him for its first flight, which results in a series of humorous, out-of-control situations. 林德伯格那样优秀的飞行员,在建造了自己的飞机后,他劝说米妮加入他的首次飞行,却以一系列的幽默和意外结束。
The Research of On-Orbit Parameters Estimation for On-Orbit-Servicing Spacecraft Relative to Out-of-Control Spacecraft 在轨服务航天器对失控航天器参数估计算法研究
Elvin: I'll call you whatever I feel like! You're an out-of-control, arrogant, stupid sales horse! 艾文:我爱怎么骂就怎么骂!你这个失去控制、自大又愚蠢的死业务员!
The Application of Ship Out-of-control Drift Model in Breakwater Area 船舶失控漂移模型在防波堤水域的应用研究
Both sides now routinely accuse each other of irresponsible behaviour and out-of-control nationalism. 如今,中日两国均会时不时地谴责一下对方的不负责任行为以及失控的民族主义情绪。
Analog Simulation Research of the Out-of-control Gas Well Fire with Different Gas Productions 不同产气量时井喷失控喷射火模拟仿真研究
It is not the first time an out-of-control financial sector has ruined the state. 这并非是失控的金融行业首次对政府造成伤害,也不会是最后一次。
If they were rowdy, out-of-control teenagers, they will probably be rowdy, out-of-control police officers. 如果他们十几岁时就粗暴、不服管教,他们可能会是粗暴、不服管教的警察。
After one of the most reckless, out-of-control social seasons in NBA history, I tried stay in and be a good boy. 在最不计后果的一次宴会之后(NBA史上最严重的社会性失控事件之一),我试图待家里做个乖孩子。
Expression occurs along a continuum, from having a reasonable, rational discussion to erupting into out-of-control violence. 表达呈现出一个连续性,从合理、理智讨论一直到失控暴力。
With the rapid growth of Web APIs, and the out-of-control proliferation of pseudo-standard ways to secure Web protocols, the bulk of our data is also at stake. 不断增加的WebAPI和大量出现的各种保护Web协议的伪标准方法也让数据的规模成倍增长,而且已经超出处理能力。
One is old: an out-of-control financial sector creates self-fulfilling euphoria and then panic, as Hyman Minsky warned. 一个是过去说过的:正如海曼明斯基(HymanMinsky)警告的那样,失控的金融领域首先会自我感觉良好,随后开始恐慌。
It is the only proven methodology to reel in out-of-control software development costs. 这是唯一被证明可行的能跳出失控的软件开发开销之怪圈的开发方法。
As the weatherglass of social transformation, the essence of non-norms in advertisements was the production of an out-of-control society and the consequence of an out-of-control society was the appearance of the social problems. 作为社会变迁的晴雨表,广告失范实质上是社会失范的缩影,而社会失范的后果就是社会问题的出现。
This is a difficult aspect for fostering an out-of-control temper. 这是一个困难的相位,会造就出失控的脾气。
But out-of-control cell division can fuel cancer. 但那种失去控制的细胞分裂行为则可能会导致癌症的出现。
Analysis about Reasons of Out-of-control for Low Voltage Motor in DCS System 低压电机在DCS系统失控的原因分析
All have been proclaiming that out-of-control public debt had set Japan on the road to fiscal perdition. 所有人都在宣称,失控的公共债务已经把日本财政推上了一条不归路。
In order to find the reasons for out-of-control security system, Enterprises need to know not only the outside network and secure environment, but also the impact of enterprise network security. 企业要想找到安全体系失控的原因,不仅需要了解外网安全的环境,更要清楚地了解影响企业内网安全的因素,以及内网安全所面临的问题。
Meanwhile, the effect of an expected global slowdown could be positive for China, where policymakers have been trying to avoid overheating, clamping down on out-of-control credit growth. 同时,全球经济预计将放缓的影响可能对中国有利,中国决策者们一直试图避免经济过热,并且控制失控的信贷增长。
Tanaka strode into office and was no sooner through the door when she began investigating rampant embezzlement-a top ministry official spent hundreds of thousands of yen on the racetrack and girlfriends-and moving to establish control over an out-of-control institution. 但田中真纪子却一上台后就开始调查其中一个高级官员猖獗挪用公款,把成千上万的日元花在赛马与女朋友身上的行为,并准备在失控的机构中重建控制。