I felt that was very threatening and out-of-line for the teacher, Reay told ABC News affiliate Local News 8 of her interactions with Leavitt. 我觉得那位老师的举动,太具有威胁性和过线了。Reay在就其与该老师的对话对ABC子公司当地8新闻这样说道。
Some client libraries also support specifying data values separately from the SQL command string, in which case parameters are used to refer to the out-of-line data values. 有些客户端库还支持在SQL命令字串外边声明数据值,这种情况下参数用于引用SQL字串行外的数据。
This option is not supported for out-of-line bindings. 外部绑定不支持此选项。
Fault processing can now reside within an independent, out-of-line aspect, eliminating the need for a "barrier" method to be placed at the head of a method invocation sequence. 故障的处理可以存活在一个独立的,不相干的方面里,从而摒弃了屏障方法需要放在方法激活次序的最前头的要求。
Single-shot multiwave-multicomponent records are acquired on physical models of homogeneous isotropic stratified and oblique media with both in-line and out-of-line methods. 设计了均匀各向同性层状介质和倾斜介质物理模型,利用纵测线和非纵测线得到了多波多分量的观测记录。