Using application logic to handle out-of-order conditions on loose message affinities 使用应用程序逻辑处理松散消息关系上顺序错乱的情况
I think that the moral education work on the secondary vocational students must have scientific skills and trick so as to overcome the blindfold and out-of-order phenomenon in moral education work. 我认为中职学生的德育工作必须要有一个科学的套路,以克服德育工作中盲目无序的现象。
The town of Lahinch reckons property-hungry buyers will snap up the dilapidated, out-of-order toilet because of its great location& a surfing beach on Ireland's rugged Atlantic coast. 拉辛奇镇官员盘算到,那些见钱眼开的地皮商一定会抢购这座年久失修、故障百出的公厕,因为它位于大西洋海岸蜿蜒海岸线上的一片冲浪海滩中。
A Method for Detecting Complex Events over Out-of-order RFID ( Radio Frequency Identification) Data Streams 乱序RFID数据流上的复杂事件检测方法
Phenomena of "the tragedy of the commons" such as environmental degeneration and out-of-order disputes over limited resources are universal in on-limits rural tourism destinations. 乡村旅游地发展过程中的环境退化、村民无序争夺有限资源等“公地悲剧”现象十分普遍。
The time sample was rejected because: message was received out-of-order. 时间例子被拒绝,因为:消息接收的次序不对。
A new method is presented for detecting complex events over out-of-order RFID data streams. 针对发生时间戳乱序的RFID原子事件流,文章提出了一种新的复杂事件检测方法。
It is necessary to control the out-of-order fluxion and set up the all-sided guaranteeing system of teachers 'quality, in order to realize the balanced development of teachers. 因此,必须抑制师资的无序流动,同时建立健全师资质量的保障机制,实现师资的均衡发展。
The out-of-order fluxion of teachers and the unbalance of the qualified teachers cause the unbalanced development of the teachers of compulsory education. Circuit-level Parallel Strategies of Three Phase PWM Converters without Zero Sequence Circulating Current 当前义务教育师资的无序流动和师资质量的良莠不齐导致义务教育师资的非均衡发展。无零序环流三相PWM变流器线路级并联策略
Influenced by the unclear ownership of these resources, out-of-order and pillaged utilization seriously damage the wild mushroom resources. 但因受传统观念的影响,野生菌资源产权不明晰,目前的无序而又掠夺式的利用方式,严重破坏了当地的野生菌资源。
Under the big background of constructing the harmonious society, the out-of-order flowing of population in quantity made the administration abilities of government weakened continuously and brought many security problems to inflow places. 当前,在构建和谐社会的大背景下,人口的大量、无序流动使得政府对流动人口的管理能力呈不断弱化趋势,给流入地的治安带来了诸多问题。
Formerly, Sequential Patterns Mining often only calculates some ordinal patterns, but it ignores some out-of-order patterns. 以往的序列模式挖掘往往只考虑一些顺序的模式,而将一些重要的非顺序的模式忽略了。
Then, it makes an in-depth analysis of the out-of-order and uncontrollable phenomenon occurring in the present iron and industry in China, and the problems of excessively dense distribution of iron and steel enterprises in the Yangtze Delta which does not match the environmental capacity, etc. 并对我国当前钢铁行业出现的无序、失控现象和长江三角洲钢铁工业布局过于集中与环境容量不相匹配等问题进行了剖析。
The Features of China's Property Trade Market and the Analysis on being out-of-order of the Market 我国产权交易市场的特征及其市场失灵问题解析
Studying the way of identification and control of discrete object which is out-of-order, control mode based on DSP system is introduced. 对无序排列离散物料的视觉检测与控制进行了分析,实现了基于DSP的系统控制方法。
In chinese law practices the using of the evidence of criminal identification is still in out-of-order. 目前,我国的刑事辨认证据的运用尚处于无序、混乱的状态之中。
Compare with the Mobile IP and MPLS Simple Integration Scheme, out-of-order and retransmission packets of data transmitted by TCP are reduced. 与MobileIP与MPLS简单集成方案相比,使用TCP连接传输的数据中的乱序包和重传包显著减少。
An evaluation method was formulized with the packet loss rate and the packet out-of-order rate. 提出了使用包丢失率和包乱序率对缓存转发过程进行性能评价的一般方法,并给出了计算公式和取值方法;
It is generally acknowledged that the causes for the low efficiency and weak competitiveness of Chinese commercial banks are extensive management, policy loan, state-owned enterprises and social credit conditions, out-of-order market competition, etc. 一般认为,导致我国商业银行效率和竞争力低下的原因是粗放式经营、政策性贷款、国有企业和社会信用状况、市场竞争秩序混乱等。
The long term separation between land-use planning and transport planning has resulted in the out-of-order dilation and irrational development of town shape. 由于土地利用规划与交通规划的长期分离,造成了城镇形态的无序扩张和不合理发展。
Fractal market shows the coexistence of order and out-of-order, which provides existing space for technical analysis and fundamental analysis. 由于分形市场所揭示的是有序和无序的整合共存,这就为技术分析和基本分析的合理性提供了一定的存在空间。
It is the most basic procedure to produce and consume library's spiritual products to organize out-of-order documents to an order system. 将无序的文献组织成一个有序的体系,这是生产和消费图书馆精神产品最基本的程序。
The synergetic theory profoundly reveals the unbalance system's inner mechanism from out-of-order to order. 协同论汲取了耗散结构理沦的观点,深刻揭示了非平衡系统从无序转化为有序的内在机制。
As a penalty, total switching delay is increased and cell out-of-order may occur. 其代价是总交换的时延增加,还可能出现信元(Cell)错序的问题。
At present, the market has out-of-order competition and the study is scare for the market. 目前,不仅市场本身竞争无序,而且对该市场进行深入研究的文章尚不多见。
This dissertation utilizes the model to simulate the SOMP prototyping system, together with out-of-order task execution processes on it. 本文使用该模型对SOMP原型系统及其任务乱序执行过程进行了仿真。
During the process, the out-of-order of international politics decreases and sociality increases. 在此过程中,国际政治的无序性日渐降低,有序性日趋增强。
In the process of implementation of the surveillance software, special algorithms to deal with the possible packet loss and out-of-order delivery which may occur in the network transmission are proposed to ensure the smooth display of the real-time video streams. 第三:分析了后端监控软件的具体实现方法,在后端监控软件的实现过程中提出了特定的算法来处理网络传输中可能出现的丢包和逆序问题,以保证视频数据的实时流畅显示。
But fiscal wrap system weakened central government macro-control capability, enhanced local protect and out-of-order competition, could not match with the inherent request of market economy. 但包干体制弱化了中央政府的宏观调控能力,强化了地方保护与无序竞争,与市场经济内在要求越来越不相适应。
However, little study has been done on this field in the country currently, and the study is still in a transition period from out-of-order to systemization. 但是,目前国内针对在这一领域的研究还相对较弱,处于一个由无序到系统化的过渡阶段。