I charge twenty dollars an hour plus out-of-pocket expenses. 我每小时收取20美元,另加垫付的现金开支。
If we do not reform health care, your premiums and out-of-pocket costs will continue to skyrocket. 如果不进行医疗体系改革,你们的保险金额和现款支付费用仍然会飙升。
And it can lower stress levels and out-of-pocket costs for the people who use it. 同时还降低了用户的压力水平和需要支付的费用。
Beginning in 2014, the Affordable Care Act will require health insurance plans to cover HIV testing without any additional out-of-pocket costs. 自2014年开始,《合理医疗费用法》将要求健康保险计划包含艾滋病病毒测试,而不添加任何自付额。
The 17,000 yuan in out-of-pocket costs equaled almost half of his annual income. 这自掏腰包的1.7万元几乎相当于他半年的收入。
More than 90% of the elderly population is now covered by health insurance, but out-of-pocket costs remain high. 如今,90%以上的中国老年人都有医疗保险,但需要自己实际支付的费用仍很高。
Most care for these diseases is covered through out-of-pocket payments, leading to catastrophic medical expenditures. 这些疾病的医护大都属于自费支付,从而导致灾难性医疗支出。
Although rural health insurance schemes have been reintroduced, out-of-pocket expenditure remains high and rural health-care services remain inadequate. 现在,虽然再度实行农村医疗保险,但医疗费自付比例仍很高,而且农村医疗服务仍很欠缺。
The magnitude of both out-of-pocket and catastrophic spending on health is affected by the choice of recall period and the number of items. 预算外健康开支和大病治疗开支的额度受回忆期选择和指标数量的影响。
Howard: Why not? Shouldn't my meals be out-of-pocket expenses? 霍华德:为什么不行?我吃饭不是应该可以实报实销吗?
Higher-education costs have risen much faster than inflation or aid increases, so students have been paying more out-of-pocket and taking more private loans. 高教费用的上涨速度远远快过通货膨胀或学生补助的增长,因此学生不得不支付额外费用和增加私人贷款。
High out-of-pocket payments and user fees with unfunded exemptions limit access to health services for the poor. 高额的预算外开支以及由于没有经费无法免除的使用税限制了穷人享用医疗服务。
Two-thirds of total health expenditure consists of patients 'out-of-pocket spending at the time of care, mainly for self-medication and private services. 医疗总开支的三分之二由患者就诊时的医疗支出构成,主要用于自我药疗和私人服务。
Providing coverage to all is a financial challenge, but most systems now rely on out-of-pocket payments which is the least fair and effective method. 提供全民保健在财政方面是一项挑战,但多数体制现在依靠自费支付费用,而这是公平性和有效性最差的方法。
For cancer, out-of-pocket payment is a double-edged sword. 就癌症而言,自费支付费用是一把双刃剑。
To investigate the effect of survey design, specifically the number of items and recall period, on estimates of household out-of-pocket and catastrophic expenditure on health. 研究家庭预算外健康开支和大病治疗开支的估算调查设计(尤其是项目数量和回忆期)的效果。
Shouldn't my meals be out-of-pocket expenses? 我吃饭不是应该可以实报实销吗?
When average outpatient service sees a doctor, medical treatment charge by individual out-of-pocket expense, but account of individual medical treatment still is noted normally by the month endowment. 普通门诊看病时,医疗费用由个人现金支付,但个人医疗帐户仍按月正常注资。
The share of government spending on health decreased substantially and "out-of-pocket" spending increased. 政府在医疗方面的支出比重大大减少,而个人的现金支出增加了。
This is especially true in low-and middle-income countries, where most people rely on out-of-pocket payments for health care. 在中低收入国家尤其如此,因为那里多数的人自费支付卫生保健费用。
The Commonwealth Fund defines underinsured as those who incur high out-of-pocket costs-excluding premiums-relative to their income, despite having coverage all year. 联邦基金界定保险额不足就像是高现金支付的-除保险费之外的-与他们收入相关而引发的那些,尽管已经覆盖全年保险范围。
Many Regional Committees addressed the severe problem of reliance on out-of-pocket payment to cover health care costs. 多个区域委员会讨论了依赖自掏腰包支付卫生保健费用这个严重的问题。
Comparing income taxes in the United States and Canada requires an analysis of the benefits received for those taxes and any other out-of-pocket costs outside of taxes. 比较两国的税收制度必须考虑纳税人纳税后所获得的福利和其他纳税后需要支付的费用。
Descriptive statistics and log-linear models were used to identify factors associated with out-of-pocket expenditure on delivery. 描述性统计和对数线性模型用来识别与自费分娩费用相关的因素。
Are our out-of-pocket costs necessary? 外付成本的必要性?
Such protections should include affordable premiums and out-of-pocket costs, she added. 这样的保障应该包含了额外保费和现款支付费用,她说道。
Up to90% of the population in developing countries purchase medicines through out-of-pocket payments. 发展中国家中,有高达90%的人口通过自掏腰包付费购买药品。
While the private sector attracts most out-of-pocket spending, user fees remain a barrier to access to public services for people on very low incomes. 尽管私营部门吸纳了最多的医疗开支,但是使用税仍然是极低收入人群获得公共医疗服务的障碍。
The New Cooperative Medical Scheme was associated with lower out-of-pocket expenditure on Caesarean delivery but not on vaginal delivery. 新型农村合作医疗与剖宫产的较低自费分娩费用相关,但与阴道分娩的费用无关。