It preserves books, in particular out-of-print and old books that have been forgotten in the bowels of libraries, and it gives them new life. 它有助于图书的保存,尤其值得指出的是,它让那些被遗忘在图书馆幽深之处的绝版旧书获得了全新的生命。
Online definitions are also usually from older, out-of-print dictionaries and thus are often outdated. 网上的定义通常也是来自绝版的旧字典,因此常常已经过时。
We'll also describe how to create an agent that removes references to out-of-print books. 我们还将介绍如何创建一个代理来删除对过期书籍的引用。
I read Laura Ingalls Wilder, all the Alcott books and a wonderful out-of-print German novel, The Wicked Enchantment. 我读过劳拉·英戈尔斯·怀尔德(LauraIngallsWilder)的书,奥尔科特(Alcott)所有的书,还有一部精彩的绝版德国小说《邪恶的魔法》(TheWickedEnchantment)。
Google is certainly going to be in a position of power in out-of-print books-but out-of-print books aren't exactly hot commercial properties, says Mr Courant. 谷歌肯定将在绝版图书领域发挥重要作用但绝版图书并非正好就是热门商业财产,库朗先生表示。
Giving Google too much power over old, out-of-print works, he adds, could set the stage for its dominance of the broader digital book market: Control over the past will translate into control over the future of books. 他补充说,给谷歌太多老旧绝版著作的权利,可能为其在范围更广的数字图书市场占据支配地位创造条件。对过去的控制将转化成对图书未来的控制。
The settlement tries to combine two conflicting objectives-to maximise the revenues to authors and publishers while ensuring the widest possible access to the out-of-print works. 该协议试图将两个相互矛盾的目的结合起来让作者和出版商的收益最大化,同时保证可能访问绝版著作的范围最大。
The main focus of the settlement falls on out-of-print books that are still in copyright. 协议主要焦点在于仍在版权期内的绝版图书。
Unless copyright owners opt out of the plan, a Book Rights registry to be run by representatives of the publishers and authors will have the power to license digital rights for all out-of-print books in the us to Google. 除非版权所有者选择不参与该计划,否则由出版商和作者的代表管理的图书版权登记处(bookrightsregistry)将有权把美国境内绝版图书的电子版权授给谷歌。