John Nash fathered an out-of-wedlock son with a Boston nurse. 约翰纳什与波士顿的一名护士有一个私生子。
Out-of-wedlock Birth rates have plateaued for Blacks. 黑人的未婚生育率已经不再增加。
The end result, he hopes, will be a lower divorce rate, fewer out-of-wedlock births, and, ultimately, fewer people living in poverty. 他希望这样做的结果,能够降低离婚率,减少非婚生育并且最终能减少贫困人口。
Women choosing to keep their babies out-of-wedlock in China is almost unheard of. 在中国,女人因非婚姻关系而自己养孩子的事情几乎是闻所未闻的。
Poor job prospects among black men may partially explain the higher out-of-wedlock births among african? American women, observers say. 观察家们说,黑人男子暗淡的就业前景,也许可以部分地解释非洲裔美国妇女未婚生育率较高的现象。
She remarried against her relatives 'wishes. Out-of-wedlock Birth rates have plateaued for Blacks. 她的再婚违背了亲属们的愿望。黑人的未婚生育率已经不再增加。
While over a million children see their parents divorce each year, we must also look at out-of-wedlock births to understand the dramatic rise in singleparent families. 尽管每年有100多万孩子目睹其父母离婚,要弄清单亲家庭戏剧性增加的原因,我们还必须注意到未婚生育现象。
This dramatic increase in single-parent families is largely accounted for by divorce and out-of-wedlock births. 单亲家庭的这种戏剧性的增加主要是由于离婚和未婚生育造成的。