We'll modify the reverse routing path in the mediation on the outbound service destination. 我们要在出站服务目的地中介中修改反向路由路径。
Next, define the process inbound and outbound messages. 接下来,定义流程入站和出站消息。
SSL security can be used for establishing communications inbound from ( and outbound to) an endpoint. SSL安全可用于建立来自端点的入站通信和指向端点的出站通信。
First we'll create the outbound service, which automatically creates the outbound service and outbound port destinations. 首先,我们要创建出站服务,它自动创建出站服务目的地和出站端口目的地。
The target server might use a specific inbound and an outbound login module to handle tokens. 目标服务器可能使用一个特定的入站和一个出站登录模块来处理令牌。
The SIBus supports web services by using Inbound and Outbound service definitions. SIBus通过入站(Inbound)和出站(Outbound)服务定义来支持Web服务。
The use of inbound and outbound terms is relative to the product it refers to. 入站和出站术语的使用是相对于所引用的产品而言。
This process uses an outbound message WSDL& a process similar to configuring a trigger on a database. 这个过程使用了一个出站消息WSDL&类似于在数据库上配置一个触发器的过程。
The first part is a SIP servlet for processing the inbound and outbound SIP messages. 第一部分是一个SIPservlet,处理入站和出站SIP消息。
Before answering, we need to study outbound service creation. 在回答这些问题之前,我们需要学习出站服务的创建。
In this case, the sending server prepares the token for the remote call in an outbound login module. 在这个示例中,发送服务器在出站登录模块中准备远程调用的令牌。
Finally, enter a name for the outbound port destinations in the Port destination name field. 最后,在Portdestinationname字段中输入出站端口目的地的名称。
Configure the WebSphere WSGW inbound and outbound services successfully without WS-Security configuration using HTTP transport. 在不采用WS-Security配置(使用HTTP传输)的情况下成功地配置WebSphereWSGW入站和出站服务。
This attribute has no effect on outbound requests issued by the TXSeries system to a remote system. 该属性对于由TXSeries系统向远程系统发出的出站请求没有影响。
What are inbound and outbound processing? 什么是入站处理和出站处理?
This adapter supports outbound mode only. 此适配器仅支持出站模式。
An application makes a remote call on the sending server and invokes the outbound request component. 应用程序在发送服务器中进行远程调用,并调用出站请求组件。
ESD for SAP Adapter is used to discover the outbound services and metadata from SAP. 使用ESDforSAPAdapter发现SAP中的出站服务和元数据。
Web services messages in the SIBus flowing between Inbound services and Outbound services can then be routed and transformed using mediations. 然后,可以通过中介路由和转换SIBus中在入站服务和出站服务之间流动的Web服务消息。
This means, however, that we need to create the outbound service before creating the inbound service. 然而,这意味着在创建入站服务之前,我们需要创建出站服务。
Correlation sets are initialized with values from process inbound or outbound messages. 相关集使用来自入站或出站消息的值初始化。
Initiated by China's Tourism Bureau, the poll reveals the ten most popular outbound destinations with Chinese tourists. 由中国旅游局发起的这项调查揭示了最受中国游客欢迎的十个境外景点。
When dealing with links, you either want the inbound or outbound links or both. 当处理链接时,您可能需要入站或出站链接,或者同时需要两者。
Chinese citizens outbound tourism business and domestic tourism, and other businesses. 中国公民出境旅游业务和国内旅游等业务。
Rural tourism can try to diversify the design and characteristics of outbound tourist routes combined. 乡村旅游可以尝试设计多样化和特色游相结合的旅游路线。
It gives user complete overview of all inbound and outbound network communication in an intuitive user interface. 它给用户一个直观的用户界面,所有入站和出站网络通信的完整概述。
An error occurred while retrieving the details of the inbound and outbound documents. 检索入站文档和出站文档的详细信息时出错。
Correlation is used to match related pairs of inbound and outbound events or begin and end events. 相关被用来匹配相一对关联的入站出站事件或开始和结束事件。
Inbound and outbound call center services. 入站和出站的呼叫中心服务。
You must specify an Outbound Directory for this Transport. 您必须为这个传送程序指定一个出站目录。