The recent outbreaks of cholera are a timely reminder that this disease is still a serious health hazard 最近霍乱的爆发及时提醒了人们该疾病仍然会严重危害健康。
He was concerned about his patients and possible outbreaks of dysentery, pneumonia or typhoid. 他担心的是他的病人以及可能突然蔓延开来的痢疾丶肺炎和伤寒等诸多疾病。
Avian influenza outbreaks have not been confined to China. 禽流感疫情并非仅限于中国。
In addition, simultaneous outbreaks of influenza A and respiratory syncytial viruses have been found. 并且,人们也发现了A型流感病毒和呼吸道合胞病毒同时暴发的例子。
These inequities raise risks, especially of disease outbreaks, for all. 这些不公平现象提高了所有人尤其与疾病暴发相关的危险。
New outbreaks have recently been confirmed in birds in Kazakhstan, Mongolia and the Russian Federation. 新的暴发最近已在哈萨克斯坦、蒙古和俄罗斯联邦的禽类中得到确认。
A surveillance system for outbreaks has been established. 已经建立了一个疫情监测体系。
In2007, there have also been outbreaks in wild birds. 2007年,野生鸟类中也暴发过禽流感。
Disease surveillance and response: immediate strengthening of surveillance to rapidly detect and respond to potential outbreaks. 疾病监测和反应:立即加强监测,以迅速发现潜在的暴发并作出反应。
Low pathogenicity viruses also cause outbreaks in poultry but are not generally associated with severe clinical disease. 低致病性病毒也会导致禽类间疾病疫情,但通常都不伴有严重的临床疾病。
That all countries intensify surveillance for unusual outbreaks of influenza-like illness and severe pneumonia. 所有国家加强监测流感样疾病和严重肺炎不寻常的暴发。
This region, in particular, knows the costs and disruption caused by outbreaks of dengue and Japanese encephalitis. 这个区域尤其了解登革热和日本脑炎暴发所造成的费用和破坏。
Through timely detection and rapid response these outbreaks, WHO and partners succeeded in minimizing suffering and saving lives. 通过及时发现和快速应对这些疫情,世卫组织和伙伴成功地尽量减少痛苦和拯救生命。
Pandemics are global disease outbreaks that can occur when a microbe infects people for the first time. 当一种微生物首次能够感染人类之后,这种疾病的全球暴发,也就是大流行就可能发生。
In this regard, comparisons of the virus with strains from previous outbreaks may be instructive. 在这方面,将该病毒与来自以往暴发的毒株进行比较可能是有益的。
She effectively managed outbreaks of avian influenza and of severe acute respiratory syndrome ( SARS). 她有效地处理了禽流感和严重急性呼吸道综合征(SARS)的暴发。
Both diseases are rare, but can cause dramatic outbreaks with high fatality. 两种疾病都很少见,但都能造成突然疫情,致命性很高。
Collect and analyse data on illness and deaths in order to detect and prevent potential communicable disease outbreaks; 收集和分析有关病症和死亡人数的数据,以便查明和防止潜在的传染病暴发。
Cases of acute watery diarrhoea have been reported in16 districts, and outbreaks of cerebrospinal meningitis in37 districts. 在16个地区已有急性水样腹泻病例的报告,37个地区暴发了脑脊髓膜炎。
Outbreaks and sporadic human infection with swine influenza have been occasionally reported. 人感染猪流感病毒的暴发和散发病例时有报导。
Measles outbreaks can be particularly deadly in countries experiencing or recovering from a natural disaster or conflict. 在正经历着自然灾害、冲突或处于冲突后及灾后恢复阶段的国家中,麻疹疫情对于人们生命的威胁尤其严重。
Outbreaks have also been detected at more farms in Kaduna. 在卡杜纳州更多农场也发现了疫情。
Reports indicate outbreaks of avian influenza in poultry in the vicinity. 报道表明在邻近地区家禽中禽流感的暴发。
Epidemiological data and operational information about outbreaks is dynamic and changes rapidly. 关于疾病暴发的流行病学数据和业务信息是动态的,并会迅速变化。
Poultry outbreaks in several Kanchanaburi villages were reported earlier this month. 北碧府的若干村庄在本月早些时候报告了禽类中的禽流感暴发。
Outbreaks in poultry have seriously impacted livelihoods, the economy and international trade in affected countries. 禽类群体中的疫情已经严重影响到受感染国家的生计、经济和国际贸易。
Outbreaks of communicable diseases can spark emergencies that cause widespread death and suffering. 传染病疫情可引发紧急情况,造成广泛的死亡和痛苦。