Rock outcroppings called sea stacks are home to birds and other animals on the Pacific shore of Washington's Olympic National Park. 出露地表之上被称之为海蚀柱的岩石是华盛顿州奥林匹克国家公园太平洋沿岸鸟类和其他动物的家园。
This particular valley is a maze of towers and outcroppings. 这特殊的峡谷是一个由高塔和突出物构成的迷宫。
Above left: what looks like flocks of grazing sheep is actually a group of limestone outcroppings. 上左:石灰岩的石柱群,看上去好像是草原上的羊群。
The Vinales valley, ringed by mountains and dotted with huge rock outcroppings, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 威纳尔斯山谷,旁边山脉连绵,分布着露出地面的巨大岩石,是联合国科教文组织世界遗址之一。