Kirk has already seen one company stumble over this challenge, another historic Seattle outfitter that overexpanded to the point of implosion: his previous employer, Eddie Bauer. 柯克已经亲眼目睹了一家公司因为无法驾驭这种挑战而败下阵来,它就是西雅图另一家历史悠久的户外用品公司,也是柯克的前东家&艾迪•鲍尔公司(EddieBauer)。
We are honored to continue our longstanding relationship with the United States Olympic Committee in the 2014 Olympic Games by serving as an Official Outfitter of the US Olympic and Paralympic teams. 我们很荣幸能够在2014年奥运会继续与美国奥委会的长久合作,为奥运会和残奥会的运动员们提供官方运动服。
This kit has everything that a backcountry guide, outfitter or trip leader would want in a medical kit for a short outing. 它所具有的配置,不管是户外团队、活动用品商、还是团队负责人,在停止短期探险时所能想到的医疗用品它都有。