v. 长得穿不下(衣服); 增长得容不进(某地); 比…长得高(或大、快); 因长大而放弃; 年增志移 outgrow的过去式
VERB (小孩)长得穿不下(衣服) If a child outgrows a piece of clothing, they grow bigger, so that it no longer fits them.
She outgrew her clothes so rapidly that Patsy was always having to buy new ones. 她长得太快,衣服很快便穿不下了,帕齐只好经常给她买新衣服。
...outgrown baby clothes. 长大了穿不下的宝宝装
VERB 因长大而放弃(以前的行为或想法) If you outgrow a particular way of behaving or thinking, you change and become more mature, so that you no longer behave or think in that way.
The girl may or may not outgrow her interest in fashion. 这个女孩对时尚的兴趣可能会随着年龄的增长而消失,也可能不会。
She outgrew her clothes so rapidly that Patsy was always having to buy new ones. 她长得太快,衣服很快便穿不下了,帕齐只好经常给她买新衣服。
But, unfortunately, like most children, we all grew up and outgrew playing in the forest together. 但不幸的是,像大多数孩子那样,我们所有人都长大了,渐渐不再到那片树林里一同玩耍了。
Not one whole or handsome one among them, all were outcasts till Beth took them in, for when her sisters outgrew these idols, they passed to her because Amy would have nothing old or ugly. 她的小宝贝原来都是弃儿,个个残缺不全,都是两个姐姐长大后不要而传给她的,因为这样又旧又丑的东西艾美是不会要的。
When he outgrew his sweatpants, he says, he decided to turn his life around. 他说,当他的运动裤穿不下时,他决定彻底改变一下自己的生活。
And you moved here because you outgrew your previous space? 问:你搬到这里是因为以前的地方不够用了吗?
He just happened not to be a good chief executive of a company that outgrew him. 只不过对于一家已经发展到超出他的掌控能力的公司来说,他不是一名优秀的首席执行官。
The company soon outgrew its original offices. 公司不久就发展壮大,原有的办公室不够用了。
Developing countries outgrew high-income countries, and the gains were widespread& all developing regions grew faster in2004 than their average over the last decade. 发展中国家增速超过高收入国家,收益得到广泛分享-2004年所有发展中国家集中的地区增速都高于过去10年的平均水平。
One of the consequences of the Asian development model has been that production outgrew consumption for decades. 亚洲发展模式的后果之一,就是数十年来,生产一直超过消费。
This is a larger squamous cell carcinoma in which a portion of the tumor demonstrates central cavitation, probably because the tumor outgrew its blood supply. 较大的鳞状细胞癌,其中部分肿瘤组织出现空洞,可能因为肿瘤的生长速度过快,超出了血液供应的能力。
She outgrew the company she worked for and found a better job somewhere else. 她进步很快,不再满足于她所在工作的公司,于是又在别处找到一份更好的工作。
It soon outgrew Carthage and became the largest city of the western world. 它很快取代了迦太基成为西方的第一大城市。
She outgrew her banks, she outgrew her bridges. She flooded the entirety of South Plains. 它漫过河岸,吞没了桥面,淹没了整个南平原。
They determined that F2 hybrids slightly outgrew the F1 hybrids. 他们认为杂种后F2代生长量稍大于F1代杂种。
As time went on, Jerome became more expert in the art of translating, and he outgrew the tendency to palliate, as he came across them, certain errors of Origen. 随著时间的推移,杰罗姆变得更加专家的艺术翻译,他超越的趋势减缓,因为他碰到他们,某些错误的奥利。
Within ten years, the newspaper outgrew the building and moved on, but eidlitz's famous monument still stands, flashing news and announcements on its giant billboard of lights. 十年之内,报业不断的扩张,这栋大楼也需要扩建,但是爱德利兹的纪念碑还是留在原地,在那面巨大的灯光看板上还是继续闪动着新闻与各式各样的公告。