First Airborne Division was heavily outgunned by German forces 第一空降师完全被德军的凶猛火力压住了。
They met little resistance from outgunned government troops. 已无还手之力的政府军面对他们几乎是束手就擒。
Clearly, the BBC is being outgunned by ITV's original drama 很显然,英国独立电视台原创剧集的收视胜过了英国广播公司的节目。
The creative culture became not just a matter of interest but a matter of survivability because we were outgunned on every other issue. 创造性文化对我们来说不仅重要,而且是一种生存能力,因为在其他方面别人都比我们强。
Listen, and hear of their gallantry often outnumbered and outgunned in some of the most brutal combat in modern history. 让我们倾听,听到他们在现代历史上一些最残酷常常敌众我寡、敌强我弱的战斗中的英勇事迹。
He says the rebels are outgunned by the army, but they are fighting an effective guerrilla war in the streets. 该记者表示,反对派被政府军火力压制,但在街道上进行了有效的游击战。
The industry believes it is increasingly outgunned by foreign competitors operating in more permissive regulatory environments. 业内人士认为,目前美国的无人机行业已经被处于更宽松监管环境中的国外竞争者逐渐甩在身后。
Loyalist forces using tanks and rockets outgunned the rebel groups. 扎卡菲拥护者使用坦克和火箭重火力压倒了反对者。
Outgunned, outnumbered, but now fighting back. 缺武器,缺人手,但反击。
Even though the Marine is outclassed, he's certainly not outgunned. 虽然海军陆战队的能力提升了,但是他并不能携带过多的武器。
However, it notes private security forces remain outgunned. 不过,调查报告指出,私人保安部队仍处于下风。
The venerable Swiss bank has consistently outgunned its rivals, ranking number one by core investment banking revenue in the region excluding Japan for each of the past eight years. 这家令人尊敬的瑞士银行的表现始终好于竞争对手过去8年里,以核心投行业务收入计算,瑞银每年都在亚太地区(不包括日本)排名第一。
It was Libyan fighters, often outgunned and outnumbered, who fought pitched battles, town-by-town, block-by-block. 是利比亚的战士经常在缺乏弹药、以寡敌众的劣势条件下,一个城镇一个城镇、一个街区一个街区地展开争夺战。
But this year Shanghai has been outgunned by Shenzhen, its less glamorous rival in the south of China, due to an extraordinary boom there in IPOs by smaller, private companies. 而今年,上海却被其位于中国南部的、魅力稍逊的竞争对手&深圳超越了,原因是数量众多的中小型私营企业选择在深圳上市。
Despite being heavily outgunned, the rebel forces seem to have held on to the south side of the city. 虽然在武器上远不敌对手,但叛军似乎坚守住了城市的南边。
I'm seriously outgunned, and I'm scared. 我被人耍,我也很怕。
We're outgunned and undermanned, but you know something? We're going to win. 我们有武器但是人手不足,但是知道吗?我们会赢的。