Donkeys outnumber cars in this landscape of tiny stonewalled fields. 在这片以石墙隔出巴掌大的农田的乡村,驴子比汽车还多。
Sergeants and corporals outnumber private soldiers. 中士和下士的人数超过了列兵。
A new pet census showed that cats now outnumber dogs by a whisker ( 7 million to 6.9 million) 新的宠物普查显示出猫的数量略微超过了狗的数量(700万比690万)。
In situations where reads greatly outnumber writes, volatile variables may also provide a performance advantage over locking. 在某些情况下,如果读操作远远大于写操作,volatile变量还可以提供优于锁的性能优势。
Officials estimate that the number of Chinese wanting to adopt the earthquake's orphans may outnumber the orphans themselves. 有关负责人估计,打算领养地震孤儿的中国人的数量已经超过了孤儿的数量。
Donors 36,000 in one year now outnumber residents. 目前,捐赠者人数已经超过了居民,一年内达到3.6万人。
Scientists know the body harbors trillions of such microorganisms& indeed, they outnumber human cells 10 to 1. 科学家们知道人体中寄居着数万亿此类微生物&实际上,它们的数量超过了人体细胞,二者之比为10:1。
At higher intelligence levels, boys with autism often outnumber girls eight or 10 to one, say researchers. 研究人员称,在智力水平较高的年龄层中,这个比例通常为八比一到十比一。
That's because people who speak English as a second language already outnumber native speakers. 这是因为将英语作为第二语言的人数已经超过以英语为母语的人数。
Stacks of Chinese newspapers outnumber English ones. 成摞的中文报纸的数量远超出了英文报纸。
The girls in the class outnumber the boys two to one. 那一班的女孩子比男孩子多一倍。
Non-native speakers now outnumber native English-speakers by three to one. 目前,在讲英语的人中,非英语母语人士和英语母语人士的比例是3比1。
Since localization deals primarily with language rather than programming issues, non-technical staff should outnumber programmers five to one. 因为本地化主要与语言而不是与程序有关,非技术人员人数应该达到程序员的五倍。
In cities across the developed world, dating-age women outnumber dating-age men. 在发达国家的城市里,约会年龄的女性数量超过约会年龄的男性。
Men outnumber women here in the ratio of three to one. 此地男子数量以叁比一超过女子。
Where the injured still outnumber the capacity of the caregivers, quality of life next enters the equation. 若伤员数量仍然超过了照料者的能力,就要权衡生活的质量了。
According to some surveys many years ago, the pessimists of the world outnumber the optimists. 根据许多年前有些调查,世界的悲观者人数超过乐观主义者。
No family should attempt an auto trip if their kids outnumber the car windows. 家里孩子的数目如果超过汽车车窗的数目,就不宜自驾车出远门旅行。
And in secondary schools and universities, girls and young women now outnumber boys and young men in many developing countries. 而在很多发展中国家的中学和大学,女童和青年女性的人数目前都已超过男童和青年男性。
Where the old outnumber the young, they can use the ballot box to their advantage, instead. 而在老年人数量超过年轻人的国家,老年人可以利用投票箱为自己捞取好处。
Here we show that bona fide undifferentiated monocytes reside in the spleen and outnumber their equivalents in circulation. 在这里,我们发现,真正的未分化单核细胞居住在脾脏,其数量超过在循环中的水平。
Henderson's men outnumber us. 亨德森的人比我们多多了。
They outnumber the high elves and can outmaneuver most enemies. 他们的数量比高等精灵多,而且可以以策略制胜多数敌人。
Job hunters outnumber openings in cities. 城市中找工作的人多于空缺的职位。
Analysts are appreciative: buys outnumber sells by more than three to one. 分析师称赏不已:买入与卖出评级之比超过三比一。
Machines seem to outnumber people: labour is no longer cheap in coastal China. 这里看上去机器比人多:中国沿海地区的劳动力已不再便宜了。
Do you think women will ever outnumber men on the rich lists? Why not? 你有朝一日富豪榜上的女性人数会多过男性吗?不会,原因又是呢?
As for the proportion of male and female prison inmates, men outnumber women 24 to 1. 关于男性监狱囚犯和女性监狱囚犯的比例,男性以24:1的高比例远超过女性。
The most likely reason for this is that male plovers outnumber females. 导致这种现象最可能的原因是雄性?鸟比雌性多。