新职介绍;再就业服务 An outplacement agency gives advice to managers and other professional people who have recently become unemployed, and helps them find new jobs.
Mattson, a senior vice president at outplacement and executive coaching firm keystone associates, specializes in helping people like your husband avoid getting so discouraged that they stop trying to find work. 麦特森是再就业与高管培训公司凯斯通联合公司(KeystoneAssociates)的高级副总裁,专门为与你丈夫情况类似的人提供帮助,避免他们因为过于沮丧,从而失去继续找工作的动力。
Altogether, predicts Chicago outplacement giant Challenger Gray& Christmas, seasonal payrolls will swell by about 620,000 over the next three months. 根据芝加哥再就业行业巨头挑战者公司(ChallengerGray&Christmas)预测,在未来三个月内,季节性新增职位将达到620000个。
John challenger, chief executive of the global outplacement firm challenger, gray& Christmas, says executive departures that his company tracks show "a spate of change as the economy heads in new directions, and companies seek new CEOs with different skills." 全球新职介绍咨询公司Challenger,Gray&Christmas的首席执行官约翰•查林格称,该公司监测的高管离职情况显示“随着经济转入新方向,变化很多,许多公司在寻找拥有不同技能的CEO。”
John challenger, CEO of outplacement firm challenger, gray, and Christmas, urges applicants to "let the employer name a salary first& it may be higher than you expect." 再就业服务机构Challenger,Gray,andChristmas的CEO约翰·查林格建议,求职者们应该“让雇主现报出一个数目&这个数目可能会超出你的预期。”
John A. challenger, CEO of outplacement consulting firm challenger, gray Christmas, says that qualifications are malleable, but fitting in a less quantifiable measure should make or break a candidate. 再就业咨询公司挑战者公司(Challenger,Gray&Christmas)首席执行官约翰•A•基林格表示,任职资格是可以培养的,但文化契合度这种难以量化的指标,对于求职者能否取得成功却是至关重要的。
Indeed, such a practice could even become a new kind of outplacement. 的确,这种事甚至可以成为一种新的新职介绍。
Studies by Challenger, Gray& Christmas Inc., an outplacement firm based in Chicago, have found there are more layoffs in the September-December period than any other time of the year. 根据Gray&Christmas公司,一家位于芝加哥的劳务中介公司,Challanger的研究,每年的9-12月期间公司裁员数量要高于其它时段。
Motorola is committed to helping them through this difficult transition and will be providing generous severance packages, as well as outplacement services to help people find new jobs. 摩托罗拉一定会帮助他们度过难关。我们将提供丰厚的遣散费,并将介绍新职、以帮助他们找到新工作。
Lisa: We've arranged for an outplacement agency to take you on-I have the number here. They're very good, I hear. 丽莎:我们会安排一个再就业服务机构来帮助你――我这里有他们的电话,听说他们很不错。
She was encouraged by an outplacement consultant to think about self-employment. 一位就业顾问鼓励她考虑自谋职业。
She sought help from the Maryland State Professional Outplacement Assistance Center, or POAC, which is funded by the state Department of Labor. 她向州劳动局资助的马里兰再就业咨询中心寻求帮助。
Ms Matthews discussed alternative moves with an outplacement consultant from DBM. 马修斯与DBM公司的就业顾问讨论了其它选择。
We're also offering you outplacement services, to help you secure your next employment. 我们还会提供再就业的服务,帮助你获得下一次就业的机会。
In the initial period of New China, Hebei got great achievements towards harnessing unemployment though developing economy, stabilizing rural areas, practicing energetic unemployment relief policy and implementing diversified outplacement principle. 新中国初期,河北省以发展促就业,以农村的稳定支持城镇的就业,推行积极的失业救济政策和实行多元化的就业方针,在失业治理工作方面取得了重大成就。