But even in a very collegial culture, where coworkers are friendly and casual, never apologize too casually to someone who outranks you. 但即便在学院气息浓厚的文化中,尽管同事之间友好随和,但在向地位高于你的人道歉时,也不能太过随意。
A captain outranks a lieutenant. 上尉级别比中尉高。
Ln the Hali there wilI be a man who outranks you. 大厅有个比你高阶的人。
The government will take warrants equivalent to 80 per cent of the common shares, and$ 1bn in senior prefered stock that outranks existing prefered shares issued by the groups. 政府将得到相当于80%普通股的认股权证,以及10亿美元高级优先股,这些优先股的地位高于这两家集团发行的现有优先股。