In 2008 she won ovations by saying she was born in the middle of the last century, into the middle class in the middle of America. That will no longer bring blue collar voters to their feet. 2008年,她自称出生于上世纪中期、美国中部的中产阶级家庭而赢得一片喝彩,如今这不会再拉拢到蓝领选民。
Within days, he was enjoying standing ovations in Moscow and soaring opinion poll ratings. 在几天时间里,普京在莫斯科享受着议员们的起立鼓掌,同时民调支持率飙升。
Lengthy standing ovations rewarded not just great performances ( Bassey, Hudson and Streisand) but a break from the endless badly written snark. 现场观众长时间的起立欢呼不只是对(贝西、哈德森和史翠珊等人)杰出表演的衷心祝贺,更是对从冗长的糟糕节目中解脱出来的如释重负。
Not since the heady days of his first season has that chant been heard so vociferously and there were also standing ovations from parts of the crowd every time he trotted across to take a corner. 这吵闹的圣歌不是从他加入球队的第一个赛季开始就能听到的,而每一次他小跑着去罚角球的时候,人群中都会迸发出欢呼声。
So how many standing ovations do you think a modern-as in still living-composer of orchestral music could get in one night? 你们认为有一位现代的-我指的是现在依然活着的-作曲家的管弦乐作品在一个晚上能够得到多少次的站立鼓掌?
He started getting standing ovations and nobody was hackling him. 他开始收到热烈的欢呼,没有人再嘲笑他了。
He travelled to Europe this month and received ovations at every step; presidents and prime ministers jostled like giddy teenagers to be photographed with him. 奥巴马出访欧洲,在每一站都受到了热烈欢迎,各国总统和首相就像头脑发昏的年轻人一样抢着与他合影。
Everywhere they appeared there were ovations. 他们所到之处都有人欢呼。
Margaret Thatcher won three straight elections and drew minutes-long, apparently sincere standing ovations at Conservative party conferences. 玛格利特撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)连续赢得了三次大选,在保守党大会上,她会得到长达数分钟明显很真诚的起立鼓掌。