Privatization And Over-competition of Banks: Taking the Mexican Banking Sector as an Example 银行民营化与过度竞争:以墨西哥银行业为例
Reflections on the Economic Over-competition and System Innovation in the Yangtze Delta 长三角经济过度竞争与制度创新的思考
The major question is that over-competition and short-competition coexist in tourist hotel industry. 其存在的主要问题是旅游饭店行业过度竞争与竞争不足并存;
ON THE MEASURES OF NICHE OVERLAP AND SIMILARITY Small mammals had two different ways to avoid over-competition: food separation and microhabitat specialization. 关于生态位重叠与相似的度量空间生态位完全重叠的种类,是通过选择不同的食物以及不同的微生境来避免过度竞争。
Un-reasonable market structure and industrial structure are reasons of over-competition. 过度竞争的原因是:煤炭产业现实市场结构、企业组织结构不合理。
Then on the basis of analyzing the harm over-competition brings about, the author draws an important conclusion that consumer's surplus may be increase as the monopoly ratio becomes higher by using dynamic model on product upgrading with creativity. 在分析过度竞争的危害上,创造性地以产品升级的动态模型推导出了垄断程度提高可能会导致消费者剩余增加的重要结论。
Second, the commercial firms still lack a perfect market entry regulation, Circulation order is often in chaos, this usually leads to over-competition. 二是流通领域企业缺乏市场准入规则,造成过度竞争,流通秩序混乱;
An important way to overcome the market over-competition is to establish a long-term contractual relation ( i.e. order) between farmers and SOE of grain, or gain market monopolistic power by product differentia strategy. 克服市场过度竞争缺陷的一个重要途径是粮食企业和农户之间建立长期合同关系(即订单),以及农户或粮食企业采用产品差异化策略以获取市场垄断势力。
Establishing reasonable tourism spatial cooperation-competition relationship is necessary approach to avoid over-competition, to improve tourism benefit. 建立协调的旅游空间竞-合关系是解决旅游地间过度竞争、规模效益低下等问题的必由途径。
The inner reason of over-competition is both false policy that strengthening competition can promote efficiency and false conception of the character and property of state-owned coal enterprise. 形成过度竞争的内在机理是:在强化竞争一定增进效率这种错误认识指导下的产业组织政策,以及对国有煤矿企业性质的错误认识。
Construction engineering tendering is a typical competitive activity of game nature, and game theory can be used to analyze the pricing strategies that bidders may take under different tendering rules and the motivations of the bidders who offer prices lower than the cost under the circumstance of over-competition. 建筑工程招标是一种典型的带有博弈特征的竞争性活动,运用博弈论可分析在不同的定标规则下,投标人可能采取的报价策略及过度竞争条件下投标人低于成本价报价的动机。
China manufacture industry presents over-competition market structure comparing with monopoly phenomenon in developed country, which offers a mythos to study rationalization of china industrial organization against the background of globalization. 相对于发达国家的垄断现象,我国制造业主要体现为过度竞争的市场结构,这为我们研究经济全球化条件下我国制造业产业组织合理化问题提供了一个现实的切入点。
The developing countries face the difficulties of financial services governance and the problem of over-competition. Although many international organizations have been established to provide assistance and solutions to these challenges and problems, they cannot meet the different needs of each individual country. 发展中国家更有开放金融服务业后监管不易与激烈竞争问题,以及国际协助机构虽多,但难以符合个别国家要求。
However, while tourism industry of many regions has seen rapid development, there appear a series of problems resulted from over-competition among tourist attractions. 然而,在各地旅游业得到迅猛发展的同时,出现了旅游地之间过渡竞争而引起一系列问题。
However, an objective analysis of the construction market, there are still problems troubling the industry, such as irrational resource allocation and over-competition. 然而,客观分析我国建筑市场的发展现状,还存在市场资源配置不合理、企业过度竞争等严重阻碍建筑业进一步发展的问题。
It has instruction value for my job and the brand construction of my group. It also has reference value for the company which has the over-competition in their internal brand after implementation merger. 本文是对营销整合理论的具体运用,对本人的工作和本单位品牌建设有一定的指导价值,对实施兼并、并购后存在内部品牌过度竞争的企业有一定的借鉴价值。
Homogeneity Business Modalities, excessive pursuit of GDP and breach of economic laws and wildcat exceeding emerge times and again. The over-competition between county government is an important factor to cause the unreasonable increase of administration cost. 业态同质化、片面追求GDP以及违反经济规律盲目超前等现象时有发生,县级政府之间的过度竞争是造成行政成本不合理上升的重要因素。
This paper, which from four aspects about hierarchy, utilitarianism, over-competition, system of education, is tried to reveal the origin of selective respect. 本文通过等级主义、功利主义、过度竞争和教育制度四个方面的分析,试图揭露选择性尊重产生的根源。
So according with consumption character of new economy background, entertainment marketing emerge as the times require in order to adapt to the change in consumption mode, badly homogeneous commodity and service and over-competition market. 为适应消费模式的改变以及商品、服务同质化严重、市场过度竞争的经济环境,娱乐营销的模式应运而生,因其顺应了时代的要求,符合新背景下消费者的消费特征。