If you have only mild symptoms, try an over-the-counter treatment. 如果症状较轻,试试用非处方药来治疗。
Honey is a better and safer treatment for children than over-the-counter cough syrup, a new study finds. 一项新的研究表明,治疗儿童咳嗽,蜂蜜比非处方药咳嗽糖浆来的更有效、更安全。
If needed, you can use an over-the-counter pain reliever like acetaminophen until the pain is tolerable. 如果需要,你可以使用非处方的止疼药,比如退热净,直到受伤部位的疼痛可以忍受为止。
Washington and Brussels have seized on the dysfunction of many parts of over-the-counter ( OTC) derivatives markets and how this exacerbated the crisis. 华盛顿和布鲁塞尔抓住了场外衍生品市场许多部分失灵、以及这如何加重了危机的事实。
This includes over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. 这些包括非处方药物、维生素和草本补充用药。
There are many over-the-counter lotions and creams containing salicylic acid to help prevent acne and clear it up. 市面上有一些药膏和面霜含有水杨酸,可以防治痤疮。
But regulations would also be tightened for an even broader range of institutions and products, including over-the-counter derivatives. 但是,对范围更广泛的金融机构和产品(包括场外交易衍生品)的监管也将加强。
Even off-patent over-the-counter medicines such as pain-killers are carefully branded. 就连止痛药这样的非专利非处方药(OTC),都仔细地贴上了品牌。
Most of these hedging activities are done between companies and banks in the over-the-counter ( OTC) market. 这些对冲活动大多是公司和银行同国场外市场(otc)完成的。
Some over-the-counter products may contain ingredients like licorice root, vitamin c, vitamin K, soy and hydroquinone. 某些非处方产品可能包含甘草根、维生素C、维生素K、大豆和对苯二酸。
Most cases of athlete's foot can be cured with over-the-counter antifungal products and basic good hygiene. 大多数的脚癣可以用非处方的抗真菌药物和保持良好的卫生习惯即可治愈。
Stocks and bonds are normally purchased and sold on a stock exchange or in the over-the-counter ( OTC) market. 股票和债券通常是在股票交易所或者柜台市场来购买和出售。
Dozens of over-the-counter and prescription cold, flu, allergy, headache, and arthritis remedies contain acetaminophen. 许多非处方药及伤风感冒、流感、过敏、头痛及关节炎类处方药中都含有扑热息痛。
S.has a lot more over-the-counter drugs than other countries, but each country is different. 来自欧洲国家的一位医生曾告诉我美国的非处方药比其他国家多很多,但是每个国家都不同。
On the one hand, this was hardly surprising as these are largely private, over-the-counter transactions. 从一方面来说,由于衍生品大多是私下的场外交易,这并不令人惊讶。
SGX lists offshore renminbi bonds and offers the clearing of over-the-counter foreign exchange forward contracts in Renminbi. 该交易所目前可上市离岸人民币债券,也为人民币外汇远期合约场外交易提供清算服务。
Most, if not all, second-line drugs are sold in the private retail market, often over-the-counter. 大多数二线药物,如果不是全部的话,都是在私营零售市场上出售,往往也是非处方性质。
Brokers, dealers in the over-the-counter market, and even the stock exchanges themselves must register with the SEC. 场外市场上的经纪人和商人,甚至股票交易所本身都必须在证券交易委员会那里登记。
Non-transparent over-the-counter trades and naked short-selling reduced the stability of the system. 不透明的场外交易和“裸卖空行为”(nakedshort-selling)都会降低系统的稳定性。
They were asked about their and their children's use of prescription and over-the-counter medications. 而且她们在调查中被问及她们和她们的孩子是否使用处方药和非处方的柜台药品。
It is listed on the New York Exchange as an over-the-counter stock. 它在纽约证券交易所是排在店头交易股票的名单上。
What's more, the database only tracked prescription medications, not commonly used over-the-counter drugs. 更多的是,数据库只跟踪处方药物,而不是普遍使用的非处方药物。
THE phrase "over-the-counter"( OTC) has different meanings in medicine and finance. 在金融和医药界有不同的含义。
Mr Jones says GSK has invested heavily in India, building a strong domestic position especially for over-the-counter medicines. 琼斯表示,葛兰素史克已在印度进行了巨额投资,建立了强大的市场位置,特别是在非处方药方面。
Handle over-the-counter trading and settlement; 办理柜台交易和交割;
Tenth, consolidate settlement of over-the-counter trading and credit default swaps. 10,整合场外交易和信用违约互换(CDS)的结算。
Are you currently taking any prescription or over-the-counter drugs? 你现在服用任何处方或以上的非处方药?
It will also help your dentist to know the names of all prescription and over-the-counter drugs you take. 同时也要告知你服用的任何处方药或非处方药,这也会对你有所帮助。
I'm looking for some over-the-counter cough medicine. 我在寻找没有医生处方也能买得到的咳嗽药。
We conclude over-the-counter derivatives contributed significantly to this crisis. 我们人为,场外衍生工具对这场危机起到了重大推动作用。