
n.  过剩;过多



  1. He points to the overabundance of Americans with fatty liver disease, which leads to obesity, insulin resistance and other metabolic disorders.
  2. The overabundance of landscape pictures, let us aspire to nature more;
  3. The negative impact of china's overabundance of population has permeated all aspects of social and economic life; in fact, many difficulties China has encountered in its economic and social development are directly related to the problem of population.
  4. Thus, how to integrate the glass industry subject to "expedite the integration of some industries with overabundance capacities" in the government report has become a great concern in the society.
  5. From the 1920s through the 1980s, America's agricultural problem was overabundance.
  6. The watershed's worst problem is nutrient pollution, which is caused by the overabundance of the nutrients, nitrogen and phosphorus. The eutrophication in Dian Lake, Tai Lake and Chao Lake remained fairly serious.
  7. Structural issues remain unaddressed, such as the overabundance of hub airports with too few spokes.
  8. In the process of building for the system of chinese ancient literary history., we focus overabundance attention on the conflicts and the seeking for the regulations of literary history.
  9. Information overabundance is an inevitable phenomenon in information revolution. The cause of information is not only in the information communication system, but influenced by politics, economy and society, and so on.
  10. At the same time, externalities result in the deficiency or overabundance of the demand of college tourism.
  11. Results The rats shared many features of chronic bronchitis weeks after instillation, such as goblet cells, submucosal glands hyperplasia and hypertrophy, increases of mucins area (%) of glands and trachea epithelium pre secretion index and mucins overabundance in secretory cells and BALF.
  12. A three-step method, based on the characteristic of large space structures, using the merit of some methods of damage orientation, combining mode curvature and neural network, which solves the problem of overabundance training database in neural network, is put forward.
  13. That is to say, maybe some of the morphemes result in the wide-combination and functional marker from overabundance;
  14. The time of irrigation might not be suitable overabundance in order to full use of soil water for saving irrigation water;
  15. It is against this background that this work was conducted. It had the following objectives: 1) to determine the level of dormancy induction ability of the following environmental stresses: water deficit, overabundance of water ( flooding/ waterlogging), oxygen deficiency and temperature.
  16. The externality of investment was the cause of overabundance of capital inflows, which gave rise to low capital efficiency and unsustainable current account deficit, and finally, currency crises took place.
  17. China currently possesses an overabundance of small lubricant blending plants, producing products of inferior quality and limited variety as compared with foreign products.
  18. Analysis of the causes resulting in overabundance of regenerative ratio cost in cation exchangers
  19. Secondly, the overabundance of preferential policy of tax breach the original intention;
  20. The overabundance of short-line segments is solved through two line-merging procedures and the line-width is also extracted.
  21. The disadvantages are weak influence to individual audience, disorderly information, reduced value of information, overabundance advertisements which leads to audience boring.
  22. But the wood drying process is a nonlinear system, which has a characteristic of strong coupling and lagging. So the wood drying mechanism model is hard to use because of overabundance restriction and complex model frame.
  23. The overabundance of firearms has brought with it a great many grave problems, among which are the constantly highest firearms-related crime rates and suicide rates in industrialized nations.
  24. Information overload is one of the most serious problems caused by information overabundance in the information age. With the fast growing of e-commerce market, e-business enterprise provides plentiful products.
  25. However, in the implementation process of human resource management& control, there are so many irregular phenomena, for example, excessiveness of centralization, overabundance of management level, no flexibility and so on.
  26. Direct-connected scheme has the disadvantage of insufficient withstand voltage of SSR. Yet chained connected scheme is proposed. In chained connected scheme SSR which put in circuit are overabundance, and then harmonic generates while changing over.
  27. Chinese farmers have big amount and dispersed, and there still have some problems in the fertilization action, such as low utilization of chemical fertilizer and use overabundance of chemical fertilizer.



  1. a quantity that is more than what is appropriate
    1. four-year-olds have an overabundance of energy
    2. we received an inundation of email

    Synonym:    overmuchovermuchnesssuperabundance

  2. the state of being more than full

      Synonym:    surfeitexcess