Clinical Characteristics and Surgical Treatment of Dissociated Vertical Deviation with Inferior Oblique Overaction 伴有下斜肌亢进的分离性垂直偏斜的临床特征及手术治疗
Objective To study the treatment of V pattern caused by unequal bilateral overaction of the inferior oblique. 目的探讨由不相等的下斜肌亢进引起的v型斜视的治疗。
A Retrospective Study of Anterior Transposition of the Inferior Oblique Muscle in the Treatment of Inferior Oblique Overaction 下斜肌转位术治疗下斜肌功能亢进的回顾性研究
Objective To observe the effects of anterior transposition of the inferior oblique on the treatment of DVD with inferior oblique overaction. 目的观察下斜肌前置移位术治疗伴有下斜肌亢进的分离性垂直偏斜的临床疗效。
Weakening the overaction of superior oblique muscle combined with the correction of exotropia is an effective way to correct A-pattern exotropia. 矫正外斜视A征的有效手术治疗方法是上斜肌减弱术和外斜视矫正术。
The results show that all cases attain normal ocular alignment in primary position ( < 10), their v-pattern deviation is corrected and overaction of inferior oblique muscle is improved very much. 结果术后第一眼位正位(≤10Δ),V型斜视矫正,下斜肌功能过强明显改善,随访3~20月效果稳定。
The treatment of V pattern strabismus with the overaction of inferior oblique muscles V型斜视合并下斜肌功能亢进的治疗
All 32 patients had different degree inferior oblique overaction and superior oblique underaction. 32例均有不同程度的下斜肌功能亢进及上斜肌功能不足。
Conclusion Prism cover test in the oblique field of gaze could identified whether overaction of inferior oblique of gazing eye. 结论在斜肌注视野作三棱镜遮盖检查可以明确注视眼的下斜肌是否亢进;
Superior Oblique Muscle Overaction A Pattern: Diagnosis and Management 上斜肌功能亢进A征诊断及处理
[ Methods] In a prospective, institution-based study, we selected 13 patients who had superior oblique overaction associated with significant "A" pattern (> 10 PD) were studied. 10 PD) were studied." data-id="2666923"> [方法]我们收集13临床病例患者有明显上斜肌功能亢进伴A征(>10PD)被研究。
Results Sixty-two patients ( 98.4%) with binocular or unilateral inferior oblique overaction+ 2 to+ 3 were treated with inferior oblique weakening procedure and horizontal rectus recession-resection procedure. 平均随访时间为8.2个月。结果62例(98.4%)患者合并双眼或单眼下斜肌功能亢进(+2或+3),行下斜肌减弱术和常规水平直肌后退和(或)缩短术;
Late result after graded transposition of the inferior oblique muscle for eliminating inferior oblique overaction 变量下斜肌移位术治疗下斜肌功能过强的远期效果观察
Treatment of V pattern caused by unequal bilateral overaction of the inferior oblique with an equal weakening procedure on both inferior obliques 相等的下斜肌减弱术治疗由不等的下斜肌亢进引起的V型斜视
Patient with binocular inferior oblique overaction+ 1 treated with horizontal recti recession-resection procedure. 1例患者合并双眼下斜肌功能亢进(+1),仅行水平直肌后退缩短术。