Warnings of disaster may be overblown 灾害预警有被夸大的可能。
The reporting of the hostage story was fair, if sometimes overblown. 尽管这篇关于人质的报道有些夸大其词,但还算公正。
The result of such inaction has been overblown deficits and negative growth& a trend that will surely continue if Brussels allows countries too much leeway as they have recently done this week. 此种不作为所产生的结果夸大了赤字和负增长&如果欧盟还像本周这样给这些国家过多的回旋余地,这种情况必将延续下去。
And the recent fears of European exposure are likely overblown. 而且,近期有关欧洲债务敞口的担忧也可能过头了。
To be sure, the bearish outlook could be overblown. 可以肯定的是,看跌前景也有可能被夸大了。
In that sense, the levels of attached political risk may to some extent be overblown. 从这个意义上来说,其中的政治风险可能在某种程度上被夸大了。
But many analysts say Mr. Tsang's concerns are likely overblown and that they don't expect the protests to have a huge effect on the city's economy. 但许多分析人士认为,曾俊华的担忧可能有些过头,他们预计抗议活动不会对香港经济产生太大影响。
Yet these fears seem overblown. 然而这种担忧似乎过头了。
But those fears appear overblown, for the moment at least. 但这些担忧似乎被夸大了,至少从目前来看是如此。
Although worries about Japan-style deflation in the US are overblown, deflationary pressures are more worrisome than inflation. 尽管外界对于美国将出现日本式通缩的担忧有些过虑,但通缩压力比通胀更令人不安。
I believe these fears are overblown as many property purchases have involved a large cash payment, he said. 我认为这些担忧被夸大了,因为许多房产交易都涉及相当大比例的现金付款,他表示。
The characters in his early novels are a lot subtler than the overblown caricatures in his more recent work. 同近期的强烈讽刺作品相比,他早期小说中的人物要微妙得多。
But other traders believe the panic is overblown, noting that stocks in key exporters such as Thailand are high in spite of a drop in global production. 但其他交易商认为,市场恐慌现象被夸大了。他们指出,虽然全球产量下降,但泰国等主要出口国的库存量依然很大。
Maybe my concerns are overblown, but it is always better to prevent than to cure. 我的担心或许有些夸张,但预防总是胜过治疗。
So far the concerns seem overblown. 到目前为止这种担心看起来是过分了。
Even if the first worry has some basis, fears of containment are overblown. 即使对前者的担心有一定的基础,遏被制的恐惧还是夸大了。
However, many argue that fears over the Chinese buying up arable land are overblown. 不过,许多人认为,巴西对中国购买耕地的担心是杞人忧天。
Concerns about safety, which keep many would-be cyclists wedded to their cars, seem overblown. 基于安全方面的考虑,许多本可能选择骑车的人选择信任自己的汽车。
That description looks overblown in Asia, where the global financial crisis has been relatively kind to exporters. 在全球金融危机对出口商相对仁慈的亚洲,这种说法看上去有些夸张。
Some experts claimed the news was overblown that the new bug was no worse than many others even as other experts, meanwhile, opined that antibiotics could soon be obsolete altogether. 一些专家称消息是夸大了-这是新的错误并没有比别人差-甚至其他专家,同时,认为抗生素可以很快完全过时。
Fourth, the creation of large tracts of building land would deflate overblown south-east house prices. 第四,产生大面积建筑用地,将平抑英国东南部过分上涨的房价。
Robust: Means full-bodied, intense and vigorous, perhaps a bit overblown. 精力充沛的:意指浓郁,强烈且有力的,可能有点过盛的。
The main problem of renderings created without LWF: lights are overblown and colours mix badly(' unnaturally'). 没有路德会联合会创建的渲染的主要问题:灯被夸大了,颜色的搭配严重(“非自然”)。
Comparisons with the European Union are overblown; political integration could not happen for decades, if ever. 与欧盟媲美有些自不量力;政治一体化即便有可能,几十年内也不会发生。
Meanwhile, Andrew Speaker's father says no one told his son he couldn't travel and he feels the incident has been overblown. 同时,安德鲁·斯比克的父亲说无人告诉他儿子他不能旅游而且他觉得这一事件被过分夸大了。
Those fears are overblown. 这些担心有些过头了。
Those fears are understandable, but overblown. 这些担忧可以理解,但有些过虑了。
But the similar performance of shares in banks with no protection suggests these fears are overblown. 但那些未受禁令保护的银行股的走势表明,这种担心有些过头了。
The figures definitely suggest that worries about China diversifying away from Treasuries are overblown, he said. 这些数据显然表明,人们对于中国减持美国国债、对储备资产进行多元化调整的担忧有些过度,他说。
But that overblown rhetoric had an unintended consequence. 可这种言过其实的论调带来了意外的后果。