Officials at World Heritage headquarters in Paris say their program isn't to blame for overdevelopment and commercialization. 世界遗产巴黎总部的官员说,人们不应当将这种过度发展及商业化归咎于世遗项目本身。
A METHOD OF OVERDEVELOPMENT AND RECHARGE IN GROUND WATER WITH THE INFILTRATION CHANNEL ( Part 2)& Working Condition of Channel and Its Flow Capacity 疏干补偿法与渗渠(二)&疏干工况及流量
It was also found that exposure intensity, development rate and spraying pressure are the three main factors for underdevelopment and overdevelopment. 曝光强度、显影速度和喷淋压力是影响低显和过显问题的三个主要因素。
In the past three decades, with the population explosion and overdevelopment of the natural resources, there are many environmental problems, such as water resource scarcity, and alkalized and sandy cultivated land, which restrain the environmentally sustainable development. 近30a来,由于人口剧增和人类对自然资源的过量开发,导致该地区干旱缺水、土地盐碱化和沙化,制约了环境的持续发展。
Conversely, while the top layer located low, the indirect reduction zone spreads out, thus resulting in the increase of pressure drop and the overdevelopment of peripteral gas flow. 顶层出现位置低时间接还原区扩大,但可能导致压差升高和边缘过于发展。
The rapid growth of urban people, inadequate expansion of a major city, overdevelopment of industries and fast addition of vehicle all have lowered the air quality in most metropolises. 由于城市人口的急剧增长、城市规模的不适度扩大、工业的过度发展和机动车辆的快速增加,城市空气污染日趋严重。
Overdevelopment of industry department worses environmental quality of Yangze River Delta: high pollution arrive at advance; pollution keeps on much more time. 长三角工业部门的超前发展加剧了环境污染:污染排放更多的具有波动性、反复性;高污染在较低生产力水平下提前到来;污染持续期延长。
In the last decades, debris flow seemed to have occurred more frequently owing to the human social economic activities, the overdevelopment of natural resources and the constant destruction of the environment. 近几十年,随着人类社会经济活动的不断增强,人们对自然资源的过度索取和对环境的持续破坏,使泥石流等自然灾害更趋严重。
As the economy in coastal area developing rapidly, some island town was overdevelopment, The environment and resources of island were destroyed seriously. 随着我国经济特别是沿海社会经济的快速发展,部分海岛城镇存在无序开发、过度开发的状况,海岛生态环境及海岛资源破坏严重。
Overuse and overdevelopment of ecological resources have resulted in the worsen of environment, frequent occurrence of environmental accidents, losses and injuries of life, damage of property, broken of living space, and threat of survive. 生态资源的过度开发和利用,导致生态环境恶化,各种环境事故频发,大量人员伤亡和财产损失,人类的生存空间被破坏、生存安全受到巨大威胁。