He wants to give up working and stay home to look after the children. She feels, however, that this is overdoing it a bit. 他想辞去工作,在家照看孩子。而她却觉得这样做有些过头。
WIND: Typically, this results from your diet and lifestyle overdoing the fruit and fibre, gobbling your food too fast, necking fizzy drinks and chewing gum or pen tops. 肠胃气胀:通常,这是由饮食和生活方式引起的食用了过多的水果和纤维、吃东西过快、喝了太多汽水、嚼口香糖或啃笔帽。
You will feel the limitations if you have been overdoing it. 如果做的过分,你会感到限制的。
None of this means we should even try to eliminate these behaviors from our lives entirely, but it's proof that overdoing anything, even when seemingly innocuous, can have serious impacts on our health. 这当然不意味着我们需要完全把这些事从生活中抽离开来,但证据显示,过多纠结于这些事情,哪怕看起来无关紧要,也会对健康造成影响。
You must have been overdoing things a bit. 你准是太辛苦了点。
It's clear that, while self-awareness is a healthy quality, overdoing it is detrimental, or harmful. 很明显,尽管自知之明是一种健康的品质,但过分的自我意识却是有害无益。
Dan: I think even your underdoing it would be overdoing it. 我觉得即便你随便做做最后也会过头的。
You think I've been overdoing it with the work thing? 你认为我对工作的关注太过分了吗?
A study from Korea suggests that overdoing it is especially bad for people with uncontrolled high blood pressure. 来自韩国的研究表明过量饮酒对伴未控制高血压的人们是尤其有害的。
You must stop overdoing it you'll make yourself ill. 不要过劳了&你要生病的。
In business, we have all had our fair share of overdoing things with unwarranted complexities, which typically winds up with the opposite effect more is less as I often do in my volleying. 在商场中、公司里,我们都有矫枉过正的经历,常常把简单的事情变得太过复杂,其结果往往是起到相反效果,「过犹不及」,这就是我勤练上网截球最宝贵的心得。
Between my prison guard and your cop, aren't we overdoing it? 在我的监狱看守和你的警察间选择,我们是不是做过火了?
While fears about overheating in China are abundant, analysts say large companies are not overdoing investment overall. 虽然对中国经济过热的担忧比比皆是,但分析师表示,大型公司总体上并没有过度投资。
Now we watch new parents and we admire how they are overdoing it. 如今,我们看着别人初为父母,看着他们鞍前马后地护着他们的小犊子。
Because in childhood they develop a sensation that they are overdoing the thing you see and they cannot express it. 因为孩童时代他们发展出一种感觉:你明白他们疲倦于(粘着你),但他们无法表达。
Most of her mistakes came from overdoing. 她的多数失误都是因为她做得太过火了。
Excitement about a new program can lead to overdoing it and possibly even injury. 对新的计划兴奋会导致运动过量,可能还造成伤害。
When a thing is not worth overdoing, leave it alone!( RD) 不值得做得过火的事,不要碰它!
He has learned how to bark, and may have to be discouraged from overdoing it. 他已经学会了怎样去树皮,并有可能必须劝阻他们适可而止。
Just be careful of not overdoing it or your words and honesty will be questioned and judged. 不过要注意不要过于夸张,否则你的言语和诚信会遭到质疑和指责。
What is the price of overdoing monetary easing? 过度放松银根的代价有多大?
But overdoing it be stressful as well. 但是,过量运动同样也会造成精神压力。
Don't you think you've been overdoing it, old chap? 你不觉得有点过头了吗,老朋友?
The moral is: overdoing leads to a downfall. 这个故事告诉我们:过度会导致毁灭。
That was overdoing it, don't you think? 你不觉得那过分了么?
You're really overdoing it. 你太夸张了吧。
The prime minister's vagueness means that it is probably overdoing it to suggest that Japan is definitively shifting away from its postwar special relationship with the US. 鸠山的含糊,意味着那种认为日本已坚决改变其战后与美国之间特殊关系的说法,可能有些过火了。
By keeping your joints active ( but not overdoing it) you keep the fibers and tendons around the joints supple, which will help to improve the overall flexibility of the joint. 保持关节的灵活(但不过度运动)可以确保关节周围的纤维和肌腱柔软,这将有助于提高关节的整体灵活性。
These aspects may lead you to impulsive actions, overdoing physical activities, and tempers will flare. 这些面向也许引领你至冲动性行动、过多的身体活动、脾气发怒。