Banks are quick to demand their pound of flesh when overdrafts run a little over the limit. 透支稍微超出限额时,银行便会很快要求归还欠款。
Credit the decline in consumer lending, the drop in credit card spending and new regulation that limits fees banks can charge on overdrafts and debit card transactions. 之所以出现这种趋势,是由于消费者借贷及信用卡消费业务双双下滑,而监管部门推出的新规定对各大银行在透支及借记卡交易方面可以收取的费用设定了限制。
The policies and business rules that are used to drive the application ( rules for handling overdrafts for platinum customers) 用于驱动应用程序的策略和业务规则(用于处理白金客户透支的规则)
Meanwhile, customers still need overdrafts, mortgages, credit cards and somewhere to deposit their savings. 同时,消费者仍然需要透支、抵押贷款、信用卡和储蓄。
This type of funding has contracted far less than conventional term lending and overdrafts during the downturn, thanks to the relatively safe nature of asset-based financing. 由于资产支持融资具有相对安全的特点,这类融资在不景气时期的减少量远低于传统定期贷款和透支。
Banks not only provide finance for commerce, industry and agriculture, but also for many private customers who are helped in their personal finances by loans and overdrafts. 银行不仅为商业,工业和农业融资,还为许多私营客户提供借贷和透支的个人融资。
But instead of paying fees for bounced checks, you pay fees for the bank to cover your overdrafts. 但不是空头支票支付费用,你付银行支付费用贵透支。
The overdrafts of very large companies are commonly unsecured. 相当大的公司透支通常无需担保。
It is a service to our customers, they want us to pay their overdrafts. 它是为我们的客户所提供的一项服务,客户希望我们为他们的透支埋单。
Data from Moebs services, a research company, shows that the crisis has prompted many banks to increase charges on overdrafts and credit cards in order to boost profits. 来自研究公司moebsservices的数据表明,危机已促使多家银行上调透支费和信用卡费,以提振利润。
Regular use of overdrafts is most common among consumers with low credit scores, Moebs discovered. 莫比斯发现,经常性透支行为在信用分值较低的消费者中最为普遍。
I would argue that the painful history of scandals in retail banking, including the brutal treatment of unauthorised overdrafts and the misselling of "payment protection insurance", reflects the absence of sound charging for the costs of providing banking services. 在我看来,零售银行令人痛苦的丑闻史,包括对未授权透支行为的蛮横处理和付款保障保险(ppi)的不当销售,反映出银行业并未对其服务收取合理费用。
The first lesson was about credit: we began to realise that it would not always be possible to extend our overdrafts or refinance our mortgages cheaply. 第一个教训是信贷方面的:我们开始意识到,我们并不总是能够将透支拖延下去,或以低廉的价格为抵押贷款进行再融资。
The first challenge to American retail banks will come from two pieces of legislation intended to force big banks to cut the fees they can charge for overdrafts and debit-card transactions. 美国零售银行所面临的第一个挑战将会来自两份法案,这两份法案旨在迫使大银行削减其对透支及借记卡交易所能收取的费用。
The directorate is probing allegations that funds from overdrafts on the accounts were transferred through the accounts of a group of diamond dealers based in India and Belgium to a Mauritius fund owned by UBS, from where they were invested in Indian stocks through offshore derivatives. 执法局正在调查的指控是,上述账户被透支的资金,通过一群印度和比利时钻石商的账户,转移至瑞银在毛里求斯设立的一个基金,从那里又通过离岸衍生品投资于印度股市。
B: You are relieved on the spot by using the credit borrowing functions of the Pony Card and obtain certain overdrafts. 您可以利用牡丹卡的信用借款功能获取一定的透支便利,以解燃眉之急。
Many banks are now offering interest-free overdrafts to students. 现在许多银行都为学生提供免息透支服务。
But I was told that taking on overdrafts and even mortgages was akin to committing a mortal sin. 但有人告诉我,透支乃至抵押贷款都无异于犯下不可饶恕的大罪。
For instance, charges for bank overdrafts are steep, thus here payday loans can save you cash. 例如,银行透支的收费陡峭,因而在这里你可以节省贷款日历现金。
If the credit card holder on a credit card for a long time but failed to be paid interest on overdrafts, bank managers will be reminded of the user, they can also freeze the use of credit cards in severe cases. 如果信用卡持有者对信用卡长时间透支而且未能及时缴清利息,银行管理人员会对该用户进行提醒,严重情况下还可以冻结该信用卡的使用。
Along with the diversity of banking business, credit business, similar to loans, such as discount, overdrafts, letters of credit, guarantees and other businesses of the risks regarded as the control range of credit risk. 随着银行业务的多样化,与贷款类似的信用业务,如贴现、透支、信用证、担保等业务所涉及的风险也成为信用风险的控制范围。