Dealing with overeager dead-code elimination is a problem for benchmarking statically compiled languages, as well. 对于评测静态编译语言来说,处理过于积极的死代码清除也是一个问题。
Then an overeager colleague, using the crystal ball to predict a raise, inadvertently throws it into a tender region of his boss. 然后,一个过于急切的职员想用水晶球预测晋升机会,不小心把球砸到了老板的胯下。
The branch banker was turned into an overeager salesperson of mortgages and insurance policies, many of which were mis-sold. 支行员工变成了心急如焚地推销抵押贷款和保单的人,而这些产品有很多都被不当销售给客户。
He was overeager for success. 他过分地急于成功。
An overeager editor often improves a translation away from the original, so to say-a case where the target language wins. 过于热心的编辑往往脱离原文对译文进行修改,可以说,在这种情况下,目标语就会占上风。
As long as he doesn't bring his hockey stick onto the pitch to deter overeager forwards, he should continue to take the stoppers art to new levels. 只要他还没有拿着他的曲棍去场上遏制那些不要命的突进,他就仍有机会把射门拦截艺术提升到一个新水平。