There are many reasons to suspect that the current equity rally is unsustainable not least in the US, where zombie banks and massively overleveraged consumers still stumble around the landscape. 人们有许多理由来怀疑股市当前的反弹无法持续尤其是在美国,这里的僵尸银行和负债过高的消费者仍步履维艰。
If you had wanted to draw a policy prescription from this film, fixing the opaque and overleveraged financial system that brought the world to grief would have been far down the list: a second-or third-order task. 如果你希望从这部影片得出政策处方,那么修复给全球带来不幸的不透明且杠杆过度的金融体系,将列在名单的下方:第二或第三类任务。
In recent years, some financial institutions became overleveraged as a result of competitive pressures on regulators to lift leverage limits. 近年来,由于监管者受到解除杠杆限制的竞争压力,一些金融机构的杠杆比率变得过高。
Over the past 18 months, US banks and card issuers have been coping with the fallout of millions of overleveraged consumers defaulting on an increasing portion of their unsecured debt. 过去18个月来,美国数百万消费者入不敷出,非保障债务的拖欠比例也在日益上升,美国银行和发卡商一直在应付此事。
Unexpected moves, such as the rise in the yen and the fall in the oil price that have happened since the earthquake, might yet be magnified by a financial world that is still overleveraged. 杠杆率依然过高的金融世界,仍有可能放大某些意外的波动,比如地震后出现的日元升值和油价下跌。
These overleveraged Western banks and funds have reined in their proprietary investments since the global credit crunch& and Asian investors have rushed to fill the void. 自从全球次贷危机以来,这些过度使用杠杆的西方银行和基金已经停止了其不动产方面的投资,亚洲的投资者冲进来填补了空白。
Much of the developed world is overleveraged. 许多发达国家举债过度。